#but hey im gunna need the drops for when i get around to doing a bunch more world fights :))))) bc i only have 11 ideans
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adhdvane · 1 year ago
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spent time in the sandbox today to get the last skill for the specialist's guidebook .... 50 prometheus militis fights (plus fighting enough to get all 50 to trigger)... i finished getting razia to lv 100 and i think the trophy is fitting for what i just endured
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adyophene · 1 year ago
lucifer x husk is something i never knew i needed and as a multishipper im screaming
literally. king of hell x some alcoholic furry guy
i love them i need to know how they wouldve met, fallen for each other and started dating. and how much thatd piss alastor off
Ooh I am so happy other people are enjoying this pair as much as I am! I've gotten a few asks about my headcanons for them, and I am happy to blab on and on. Fair warning. This is gunna be a long and rambling essay.
I'm gunna put it all under a readmore, just cause I want to insert the art I've done of them so far, since I've been half-heartedly trying to tell a visual story through the doodles.
Okay. On we go!
How they met;
We did see them technically meet in the show, where they shared their singular canon piece of dialogue, which was just Husk saying 'hey'. And then in the finale where we see a literal split second moment of Lucifer holding Husk's arm.
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(also seeing the sweet looks huskerdust is giving each other here just makes me feel so delulu for writing this all, but crackships are silly by definition, so lets get back to the lucihusk) For me, what I imagined, is after the Hotel is finished its rebuilding, that is when Husk and Lucifer finally actually meet in a proper manner. I think Lucifer would be trying to make a good impression on all Charlie's friends at this point, endeared to all of them from their actions during the finale. Unfortunately, I think he is also the King of Bad First Impressions.
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[Note. I think at this point Lucifer wouldn't even remember Husk's name quite yet. I think he would call him 'Keekee' ( by accident) or 'Dusk' (confidently incorrect) or just be like "Hey!.... Uh... You?" until Charlie or Vaggie finally corrected him. ]
Husk, on the other hand, I feel like maybe wouldn't gel with Lucifer right away. Wouldn't hate him, but also maybe not be enamored with him right away. Same as Lucifer, maybe he would have sweetened on him a bit through the hotel's rebuilding, but I think they'd start out at very neutral feelings. Maybe a vague sense of 'He's okay, but I don't know if we will really get along.'
Despite this, Lucifer is persistent, and he's going to be everyone's (except maybe Al, unless they start getting along by s2) buddy. He'd start hanging around the bar and participate in the redemption exercises.
Now, we know Lucifer struggles with depression, and I think he would be trying real hard to mask anything going on during this time. They defeated Adam! They rebuilt the Hotel! He believes in Charlie's dream, and he's more involved with her life and other people than he has been for years.
His only issue being Husk sees right through it, both because Husk is perceptive, but also because even the King of Hell can't help but have a lonely night or two at the bar where he ends up venting about his divorce and subsequent lingering loneliness.
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[snapcube ref aside, )I really do think Husk would start to feel more positively toward Lucifer after Luci would drop the act somewhat. That they could bond over feeling both at their lowest of lows, while also being to admit that things seem to be getting better!
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This would be about the point that I imagine Lucifer developing more romantic feelings! Husk would be a bit less prickly, and Luci would just absolutely eat up any and all positive interactions they'd have. I like to picture a lot of little shows of care at the this point, like Husk memorizing what Lucifer likes and even making up 'fun' drinks just to try and cheer the guy up. And Lucifer would fun a fun game in trying to get the grumpy cat to smile, and just, lighting up himself any time he was successful.
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And that culminating into the two of them making each other laugh, with Alastor being an easy butt of the jokes, and a good way for Husk, himself, to finally get a chance to vent. I think Lucifer would be one of the only 'safe' options for Husk to do that with, in just so far as Al can't really threaten Lucifer, and Lucifer already sees Al as a bit of a manipulative bastard.
Falling for each other; At this point, Lucifer would start being a bit more caring toward Husk, though with that wonderful, oblivious flair of his. I don't think Lucifer himself would realize he'd have a crush up until he'd start feeling protective or jealous over Husk, and it would really throw him for a loop at first.
Because fake dating is one of my all-time favorite tropes, I have always had a idea for a fanfic (or comic) that I haven't gotten around to yet, based around Lilith coming back, and Lucifer panickily asking Husk to pretend to be his boyfriend, so he can appear well adjusted/completely over her. Of course the whole thing would backfire, as Lilith would see through it (as Lucifer wouldn't be as good of an actor as he'd think), and that Husk would end up kind of feeling hurt by the whole thing.
Husk, who'd go along with the plot with an eyeroll, would find himself seizing up through the whole fake date/encounter. Would find weird, sudden emotions bubbling up and absolutely hating it.
I don't think that man would think about the class difference between him and Lucifer up until someone would say something about it, maybe Lucifer himself trying to rationalize the (at this time still fake) relationship to Lilith. Now, Husk feels uneasy about the whole thing and ends up drinking heavily the whole night so he doesn't have to think about feelings. (Blitz and Stolas who? Ahaha. fuck.) Meanwhile, while the date would be fake, I think Lucifer would really rather like having Husk on his arm and feeling like he'd have a love-life again, while also not really getting why Husk's mood would be getting worse throughout the night. I think they'd still end up on good terms, but both of them would have their feelings in a jumble, and Husk would not like it. (he thinks he's lost the ability to love, after all)
I think somewhere at this point, as they are starting to develop feelings for one another, is when Lucifer finally starts really realizing how tied to Alastor Husk is, and he starts to make it everyone's problem. I do think Al and Lucifer would stay snarky at each other this whole time, but that it'd only get worse, as Al would poke back since he'd find Lu's over reactions funny.
I also think Al would be maybe the last person to realize anything romantic would be brewing between Lucifer and Husk, and he'd just think it'd be a purely platonic thing.
Beyond just bitching about Alastor, Lucifer would really be ramping up his attention towards Husk too. Fully in that 'puppylove/crush' stage, and trying his darndest to make Husk feel good and special. Husk would be resistant to it all, thinking it would just be Lucifer rebounding hard, and not wanting to get wrapped up in Morningstar family drama when he could happily (miserably) keep his head down and just keep drinking the days away.
But then Lucifer would find out about Husk's love of stage magic, and his history as a performer, and it'd be all over for the catman. It would become Luci's new pet project to rope Husk into some joyful self-expression, and after a song and dance number's worth of convincing, Husk would start to come around. I have to post all these images now cause- I drew them with the intention of mimicking a musical number! Husk starting off as a bit resistant before jumping in whole heartedly, and Lucifer overexcitedly dragging him along throughout the music number, hyping him up and just all around being smitten.
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And this is where Husk would start really falling. Getting swept up in indulging his favorite, least destructive hobby, and having someone who absolutely loves it to bond with. Especially when it would be over. When they would just settle down and talk, and laugh, and bond over what they love about performing. The spectacle, the audience, the love of the craft. Its about the comradery!!!
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@belladonazeppole wrote a wonderful series of fanfics based off these pictures, as well as the songs from 'The Greatest Showman' that really fit the ship! I would be remiss to not mention them here, because Bella and their fics are just wonderful!
How they started dating;
Now. Don't think just cause they both caught feelings for each other, that they'd immediately admit to it. No. I think both of them would drag their heels. I don't think Husk would admit to them at all, without some outside force effecting it. I think he'd stubbornly try to ignore the crush or drink it away, rather than let his heart become vulnerable to anymore damage.
Meanwhile, Lucifer would be struggling between his feelings for Husk and Lilith. (In the actual canon, I do think they might try to rekindle things, depending on what kind of person Lilith turns out to be, but I digress.) Part of him would be so swept up in a giddy kind of excitement, while the other would be set firmly in the camp of 'this is a bad idea, this won't work out, just look at what happened to your last relationship'. It wouldn't stop him from being outwardly more and more affectionate, but it would be weighing on him.
I do think Lucifer would end up being the one who would be thinking; "What am I doing. He'd never like me back." While Husk would be just sitting there (echoing what was said in the ask- sorry I went all wild and wrote this much about the ship dear god)- "I'm just some fucking furry alcoholic, what the fuck would the king of hell see in me??? Am I delusional? What the fuck is going on??" And I feel like this stage would go on for MONTHS and drive everyone else nuts. It would be clear to everyone (except Alastor, who again, would be just this meme
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Though that wouldn't stop him from getting a little pissy about it) And then it would all come to a head during something benign, like a board game night. There would be flirting, there would be jealousy, there would be arguing, and then finally, loudly and with a lot of feeling, Lucifer would shout his way through asking Husk out on a date. A real Date. A capital 'D' date out on the town, dressed to the nines and a real good time. The board would be knocked over in the fray, game pieces raining down upon them while Husk would just stare blank faced, trying to process what just happened. An awkward half-minute would pass before he'd finally, trying to play it cool, shrug out a 'sure'.
How much it'd piss Alastor off;
In the aftermath, a radio static would just lowly grate everyone's ears as Alastor would be slowly coming to terms on how just annoying it would be to have his friend (/Unhealthy co-dependent pet friend possession??) romantically involved (ew) with the King of Hell (double ew)??? Then, either it would be something light hearted like 'he keeps trying to break them up but failing cause he hates interacting with romance' or a darker route where 'he keeps trying to manipulate them into breaking up by preying on all their worst insecurities in the relationship'.
And that, my friend, is all I have in mind so far for this delusional crackship au! There is more I could flesh out, of course, like Angel's role as a friend or potential third in the relationship, or what I imagine as Husk becoming like a stepdad to Charlie, but I've typed enough for the whole month. Hope any of that was coherent! I did not bother to edit or proof read it. Just pure stream of consciousness.
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neapolitanupsidedowncake · 2 years ago
denki and kirishima boyfriend headcanons!! gn!reader
content warning: fluff, established relationship between reader and characters
a/n: when i got this note i was rly happe TwT thank you so muchhhh, it means so so much to me that someone likes the things i write <3 gives me so much power!! power to write more! so sry this one took long eheh. anyway i really hope you like this one!!
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he's my favorite boi!! 💖💖
you guys probably went from best friends to lovers!
the way he told you he liked you was by some really huge show XD
like he had sero and kirishima to be his wingmans to go to your dorm and they got fake rose petals and scattered them at your dorm doorframe
and you hear commotion outside your dorm like ("AAAAH IM FALLINGIMFALLINGHALP" "BRO THEY'RE GUNNA HEAR CHILL")
and you open the door and you see the trio all sprawled out on the floor and you hear like scattered whispering like "get into foRMATION"
(*ahem* "where's the script man" "bro i think i dropped it on the way here" "ya know what freaking screw it")
onto established relationship!!
in general he's a really goofy bf he'll send you enough memes in about 10 minutes to be a mini fyp
so i don't know if it's a style choice or he needs them for vision and stuff, but in official art he'll wear glasses, so i think that when he's just chilling with you, he'll wear prescriptional glasses (ughhhh he looks rly handsome in them)
speaking of, his hero suit has these blue glasses, so sometimes, he'll put them on you just for fun
i think his ideal date choice would be going to a cute restaurant or going to a cinema 💗
your friends are his friends!!! you won't have to worry about him cheating on you or falling for one of your friends because he does pda with you around them XD
his love languages are (to give)! quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation. he likes receiving words of affirmation, also acts of service 💗
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he is a lot like denki XD just different font you know?
he lovessss to admire you <3 he'll buy you lots of nice suits/dresses to wear on dates
before you go out anywhere on a date he'll kind of study himself in the mirror before asking you if he looks sharp (no pun intended)
SUCH A FRIGGING GENTLEMANN like husband material if you ask me
he'll open doors for you and hold your hand in a big crowd
he's actually insecure about a few things, and if you let him, he'll open up to you about them because he believes communication is key in a relationship (not that he'll ever pressure or force you to vent to him about stuff)
in general he won't really force you to do anything you don't feel up to
he lovesssss cuddling you, him being big spoon 💗
his natural hair color is black, meaning he dyes his hair, so he'd be good at it i'd think, so if you're just chilling together, he'll ask you if you want to dye your hair
you guys have a lot of inside jokes, like you could be hanging out in public and he'll randomly say something like "hey remember the hairbrush" "oh my gosh STAWP" "AHEHWHEHHWHEHE" people in public be lookin at you like you're crazy
he probably has a rock on his desk in his dorm that he named harold btw
his love languages are quality time and words of affirmation! he likes receiving words of affirmation too!
he plans on marrying you a few years after high school 😂
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sillylittlelemon · 11 months ago
Hey could I ask for a match up with someone from Saiki? If you are going to do any romantic matchups, I’d prefer men. I go by he/him.
There’s not much to say appearance wise other than I am chubby, I have piercings, and I wear glasses. Most of my styles happen to be more comfortable stuff, such as sweater vests and hoodies. I have a lot more softer features, softer cheeks, hands, the like. I also have a serious case of resting bitch face.
I am very much the type of person to stay in their own lane. However as described by some people, when I get passionate, oh dear do I get passionate. I can be a bit standoffish to many people, with many assuming that I am a very calculated type of person, and intimidating. I do a lot of personal writing and meditation, however my favorite hobby is cooking and baking. I love making sweets for my family like scones and crème brûlée, though I usually just end up eating them alone. I also just cook regular stuff as well.
My dude. I am so pumped to write this. Like- i feel like theres many ways i could swing this and im gunna have a hard time to narrow this down but im just ready to go man, like- you threw me a metorphorical bone and im ready to rip into this thing lmao
- 🤥🤥not related but can you make coffee jelly?
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Saiki would take a shining to you based off your cooking, obviously. And when you make him coffee jelly for literally any occasion even if there isnt one? BOOM. Marriage papers. "For convience" 😉😉
Def just... watches you make stuff. Blank stare. Seemingly not a thought behind his eyes. He just stands there, out of the way. Uses telekenisis to get you what you need so you dont have to move around obsticles in the kitchen to get it (or risk dropping something or tripping bc im fucking clumsy and i dunno about you but ive tripped with flour and wooooo boy its rough) along with that he def helps you clean if you consider it a drag (of course you do, who actually enjoys cleaning the kitchen?) And by help i 100% mean he does it allfor you absent mindedly while he chows down on his sweets, little stars floating around his head as he enters paradise.
Also can def get down on some meditation w you, like- all this boy wants is peace and quiet. He will stil down or lay down, or however it works for you, and just... zen out. For as long as possible until nendo uses his 6th sense to track him down and drag him into shenanigans. (Or until a rock causes a girl to trip which causes a motercycle crash and a gasoline explosion and then destroys part or all of town and-)
Im just pumping out headcanons/oneshots as fast as ican while im motivated so if you want more tell me! Send the link to this request along with your new one so i know which anon you are, okay lovely?
🫂🫂🫂❤️❤️❤️thanks for the ask, i love you!
Also i know its ooc but also im listening to this song and it lowkey tickles my brain with this character
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I’ve finally decided to upload the whole fanfic on here this is the start of it if you’d like to see more just let me know I’ll post a chapter a day unless anyone ask for more I’m really proud of this I know there are mistakes and all but here we go
Angst involved it does get mature eventually but for now just fluff and angst
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It was late the buzz of Manchester leaking through my bedroom window as I lay in bed on my laptop in the mist of an online game of Pub-G (lame I know ). I've been playing for hours. I was supposed to be going to bed at least 3 hours ago ,that was the plan as I've got School tomorrow but for some reason I can't bring myself to close the game for the night. Doing things to preoccupy my mind is all I've needed for the past two weeks I've started studying for my GCSE,s probably to finally complete them in a few weeks and I'm so stressed about them. I kept ending up in games with and user called GeoDan16 and if by fate we keep ending up as the last players in the game and battling one another. I've won 7 of the 11 games we have played. I've added his user in the lobby of the games and I'm just waiting to see if he adds me back , This was so I can possibly have someone to speak to as I play. It takes about ten minutes before the acceptance alert rings through my room , as my laptop, phone and IPad light up due to having the game on all of them for all occasions. Spotting the alert on the corner of my laptop screen I pick up my phone and swiftly type a message. Yes I know I'm using my laptop and I could message them there but it feels better to message on my phone and play on my laptop. I just type a simple
TrumanBlack: " Hey there ...... these games are wild . You played good tho ;)"
I then just put my phone back onto the bed next to me and decide I want to watch YouTube for a while and hopefully let sleep consume me. After racking through YouTube for a video to watch I come across "Daz Blacks latest video I click on it , select the big screen options and pause it before it starts. I place me laptop down next to me and slide from my bed and into my on suite so I can use the bathroom and brush my teeth for what feels like the 20th time tonight. I've smoked an excessive amount tonight and I don't understand why. Hearing my alert tone go off again I quickly finish up in the bathroom and make my way back to bed and see my notification my my phone screen "message from GeoDan16". I open my phone properly to read it
GeoDan16: "Yo :) , thanks , how many games was that ?"
Pulling my blanket back around me I press play on the YouTube video and sink into the heat of the mattress and softness of the duvet
TrumanBlack : "I believe it was 11 , and I won 7 LOSER"
GeoDan16 : "Uhhh...rude , I still won 4 so excuse me but you ain't the overall winner "
TrumanBlack : "No I'm maybe not but I still did better than you ;D "
I know this is probably weird to think as I don't even know this person but feel a buzz something that says I'm gunna love them , like I've known them years and we're just catching up
GeoDan16: "Were just going to have to have a winner takes all round someday huh....also Truman??, What kind of name is that it's kinda interesting is someone obsessed with the Truman show or something "
TrumanBlack : "Nah I just came up with the name when I was like ten and it sounded kinda edgy :D "
As I'm laying there my eyes start to feel heavy and I can feel them starting to drop and I yawn. But I try to ignore it so I can stay up a little longer and hopefully learn more about this person
GeoDan16: " So it's not your real name then ???"
TrumanBlack: "nope it's actually Matty , what about you , what's your actual name "
GeoDan16 : "Contrary to popular belief it's not geo or Dan ... the names George "
TrumanBlack: "George...That's an old guys name...how old are you....im not talking to some ancient man am I "
I laugh to myself because obviously I can't be he played well ...too well for an old guy BUT I've got to cover my tracks my mum always tells me to be more safe online
GeoDan16: "Nah man I'm 16....oldest in my year .... Year 10 what about you ...Matty is 100% not your full name what are you 12?... rebelling against anyone who calls you your full name "
TrumanBlack : "I'll have you know George that I'm actually 17 not 12 and no my full name is Matthew but I only get called that at school or when I've pissed my mum off or my best friend.....but also year ten so your from the UK then"
GeoDan16: "yeh southwest London ....Wbu "
TrumanBlack : "ay im from Manchester "
It's not very often you meet someone from the same continent as you this late at night on these games so this is quite cool
TrumanBlack: "why you up so late then Georgie???"
GeoDan16: "I ain't been called Georgie since I was 7 Matthew :D , also I just can't sleep it's soooo cold right now ....and you ?"
TrumanBlack : "just stressing about GCSE's man ....I know I'm not dumb but my maths and physics are gunna go down the drain and I don't wanna fail "
GeoDan16: "ahh I feel ya bro ....I've just started studying for my GCSEs too but your must be year 11 and going to be doing them soon right ?"
TrumanBlack : "yup they start in a few weeks "
My eyes are now struggling to stay awake and my screen has become a blurry mess as I attempt to keep my eyes open and without realising it my phone slides out of my hand onto the duvet and my eyes shut slowly
GeoDan16 ; "I could help if you like "
I don't see or hear this message come through as I'm too far gone and too tired to realise and I just fall asleep and hopefully dream of good things
GeoDan16 "g'night Matty "
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thinger-strang · 4 years ago
okay okay centerfold au (like....the song by the j geils band) where billy mas moved out and away from hawkins (he hasnt quite made it to california yet, hes not ready) and hes starting to let himself be gay and think gay thoughts and ya know indulge himself every so often
which obviously means he picks up a magazine from the back corner of the corner store he frequents
he does for something a little tamer, maybe throws in a few playboys just because hes nervous (which doesnt even matter because the cashier doesnt even spare the covers a glance once scanned)
gets home and eagerly flips through it, feeling excited that he can have gay porn out in the open in his living room without fearing for his life
hes mostly just idly looking through it, folding down a few corners of pages he'll revisit when hes in the mood, just kinda reveling in the freedom of it
he flips to the centerfold, the showcase, the main event and it's–
billy fucking drops the entire magazine, it lays open, teasing billy with those big brown eyes and tantalizing moles
its a good shot honestly, pretty tasteful, definitely not modest, but billy can appreciate the artful quality
of course not in this moment, in this moment billy is panicking?
who the hell told steve harrington he was allowed to do that?
billy finds himself staring at the photo; steve as the centerpiece, draped across several laps, being groped by way too many hands for billy's liking, steve's got a half hard cock in one hand, the other possessively wrapped around the thigh of a man standing next to him, everyone's sweaty and there's splatters of something all over everyone, and there's hard and soft dicks and muscular legs and soft bellies and flexing muscles but only one face
steve stares at the camera–at billy–with an enticing stare that seems to ask "what are you waiting for?" and the barest hint of a tongue pokes out–
billy cant look away but wants to tear his gaze away to anything else, he wants to memorize the page, he wants to burn it, he wants to frame it, he wishes it never existed, he wants to be in that room
billy thought he was over this silly crush on straight boy steve but heres he is, gripping another man's cock, letting another man's cock rest on his leg, letting other men hold him and touch him
it might be fine if billy hadn't seen steve in years, hadn't seen steve since he left that fucking hellhole behind but no, no!
steve harrington, the man who happened to be the centerfold of the one single gay magazine billy happened to pick up, was his upstairs neighbor
billy stares at the ground as he stops to get his mail, hoping, praying, that he'll be lucky and not run into anyone on his way home
prayers not answered
"hey billy, i haven't seen you in a while, you doin' okay?" steve asks cheerfully as he wiggles his own mailbox open.
"yup, doing just fine, thanks for asking" billy slams his box shut and hurries to the elevator without running and jabs the close door button a hundred million times
"woah hang on, hold the door!" steve calls after him, juggling his mail and his groceries that billy somehow didn't notice
steve makes it
steve's blabbering on about.... something, billy can't hear a word he's saying, he focusing on thinking about anything other than–
billy is begging for any thought, anything, to cross his mind, anything but that stupid centerfold
"hey are you sure you're okay?" steve asks in a far too nice voice
"i told you i'm fine, please just leave me alone?" billy grits out
"i thought we were past all that" steve says in a sad voice
billy sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose
"we are, i'm just having an off day, got this killer headache ya know?" he lies through his teeth
"oh okay, gotcha, i'll be quiet" steve mimes zipping up his mouth
why is that worse why is that hot?
it's billy's floor and he can't get into his apartment fast enough
pulls out his dick and jerks it a few times before cumming right there in his kitchen floor
things don't get better
at all
billy avoids steve like the plague, which it wasn't like hung out on the regular, but theyd chit chat in the elevator or say hi when passing each other
so it was just awkward when billy would see steve in the hallway and immediately turn the other way
so it's not that surprising to wake up on a saturday morning to angry pounding on his door
"i'm coming, i'm coming, hold your fucking horses" billy grumbles as he pulls on a shirt and walks to the door
yanks it open to find a grumpy steve with his hands on his hips
"what gives hargrove? you said we were fine yet avoid me any time we so much as make eye contact? did i do something?"
billy has not had enough sleep to handle this conversation
"no you didn't do anything, it's kinda hard to explain just–" billy opens up his door to invite steve in
steve shoulders past billy and plops onto the couch
"coffee?" billy asks as he rubs his eyes
"im good" steve bites out
billy rolls his eyes and gets busy making himself a pot, trying to figure out how to say this, what to even say that would make this remotely okay
"oh my god" steve gasps
"what?" billy groans
he turns around and sees steve holding the magazine, clutching it really, something close to horror drawn all over his face
billy left it out on the coffee table as some sort of sick twisted 'fuck you' to neil
"shit shit SHIT i can explain–"
"no no i get it, um... i think i'm going to go, just... yeah i'm sorry i'll just–"
and with that steve was gone
this is worse, so so so very much worse
they either need to talk about it or billy needs to fucking find a new apartment
billy comes home after a long day at work to find steve knocking at his door
"jesus christ you scared me!" steve jumps into the wall
"sorry i kinda... snuck up on you, what are you doing at my door?" billy adjusts his backpack
"i, um... i wanted to explain? or talk? i get why you were avoiding me, i honestly forgot that came out this month" steve is twelve shades of the prettiest blush billy has ever seen
"hang on, let's go inside, i don't really wanna talk about this in the hallway"
steve's shoulders relax and he pressed himself into the wall to let billy open his door
steve sits awkwardly on the couch as billy hang up his bag and jacket and starts taking off his boots
"i... don't really know where to start" steve chews on his bottom lip and fidgits with his fingers
"i'm gay" billy blurts out
"what?" steve laughs
"i mean, i have a gay porn magazine, you're all nervous, i figured i'd break the ice?" billy shrugs
steve laughs and looks ten times lighter
"those pictures are older, i did them to help pay some bills while i was inbetween jobs, it was for a smaller thing, a blog or something, i dunno, it payed good so i said yes, i was desperate"
steve tuns his hands through his hair and breathes
"the guy who took the pictures asked if i'd be okay with him selling them to a bigger magazine, he said i'd get half the profits so i said yes"
steve shrugs and looks out the window
"so you just... did it for the money?" billy asks
"yes and no, i'm gay–well not gay, i'm bi but i'm... into dudes and all that, but mostly just to pay the bills"
steve finally meets billy's gaze with an almost scared look but more of a 'what are you gunna do about it' look
a lot like the one in the magazine
"that's cool, pretty brave too" billy says casually and leans back into his chair
"yeah... i'm kinda scared my job is going to find out that my dick is all over a magazine" steve laughs nervously
"you'll be fine, if it helps, you'd make a killing as a porno model"
billy grins wickedly in steve's direction
steve tries to smile back but it turns into a grimace
"i don't think it's weird, by the way... and while i don't think my crush on you from high school has quite gone away, i'm not going to like, make a move ot try to do anything" billy nudges steve's toe with his own
"okay" steve smiles for real this time
"okay" billy smiles back
"you really had a crush on me in high school?" steve smirks
"oh god, yeah, it was so bad, i didn't know what to do so i was just... an ass!" billy laughs
steve laughs along too and it's just comfortable, more comfortable than they've been ever
"do you wanna go get dinner?" steve smiles lopsidedly
"like a date, do you want to go on a date with me?"
"it won't be weird?" billy asks earnestly
"not unless you make it weird"
billy grins and stands
"then let's go on a date!" he hold out his hand an hauls steve up
they're walking in comfortable silence, bumping into each other's shoulders, trying to make the other drop their left over box
they get to billy's door and kean against it, very much in each other's space
"you wanna know a secret?" steve asks with a mischievous glint in his eye
"i had a crush on you in high school too" steve smiles and rests his forehead against billy's
"oh yeah!" billy leans into steve's touch, their noses bumping
"hell yeah" steve closes the distance and presses a soft kiss into billy's lips
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cherrysha · 4 years ago
hey ya’ll! Ive decided to answer asks in a new post, instead of continuing off of the asks. this is mostly because i answered like two seperate Uvo asks in one go. ALSO wanted to mention that i refer to the reader as ‘small�� in this one, and i by no means am small myself, its just that Uvo is 8 feet tall. Everyone is small to him, and everyone is capable of being manhandled by him. (also im going to use this gif of Uvo until the day i die)
@nav-chamberlain asked:
when you’re ready girl feel free to reply but nsfw scenario with uvo that has a breeding kink. y/n working her everyday tiring job as a babysitter/daycare worker & uvo being the kind himbo he is offers her a night out at the bar with them ending up drunk. y/n expresses her interest in possibly wanting a kid & uvo doesnt seem to decline. periodt.
@sug4r-ru5h asked:
hii!! i just found ur account and i really like ur writing🥺🥺maybe we could get some Uvo with a really twitchy reader after getting absolutely pounded??? im unsure if you write aftercare but if you do that'd be litty titty B)
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: Dubcon, drinking, breeding, overstimulation, a little blood, slight manipulation
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“It’s not that I don’t want kids...I’m single, and younger.. ya know? I can’t think of trusting someone enough to have kids with them.” You pause, taking a sip of your drink before you whisper out a half hearted “if that makes sense.” Its not like you got to see your friend often, actually it was fairly uncommon to see him around. Whatever he did for a living, you still didn’t truly know, made him travel a lot. And you weren’t pressed on spending the majority of this evening debating about children. Uvo pushes the irritation simmering in his mind away. “You trust me, don’t you?” “That’s a dumb question Uvo” you finally peek up at his enormous figure, the scoff you had intended to let out, dying in your throat. Something Is brewing in his mind. He was never one to school his features, to hide the emotions he felt about truly anything. You're met with a glare, something akin to a smirk as well if it weren’t on Uvo’s menacing face. On him it looked more like a grimace “Then humor me.” His jaw is set tight as he lowers his head to speak directly into your ear “Do you trust me?” His lips brush against your neck, raising goosebumps in their wake and you can’t help the whimper that escapes you. This wasn't at all what you were expecting. You can’t help but to close your eyes and lean into his touch, and you can’t help but to acknowledge how warm his lips are when they finally press against your own. You know in part it’s the alcohol lowering your inhibitions and making you less inclined to think of the repercussions of kissing your long time friend. You know under normal circumstances you’d never be so brazen as to make out like a teenager in a packed bar full of scoundrels. But you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you don’t care. You want this. His hands snake around your waist, a low chuckle rumbling his chest at the startled way you jump when he finally pulls you onto his lap. “You gunna answer me sweetheart?” Uvo whispers into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine and you instinctively try to wrap your arms up to loop around his neck, pouting when you realize he’s far too tall As if reading your mind, he pulls you up further along the expanse of his chest until your arms can finally settle around his neck, grinning at your content smile. “I do, Uvo, you know that.” There’s a pause, a beat in which he uses the silence in his favor to pull back and ask “Hm.. do I?” with a wry smirk on his face. Of course, You nod ‘yes’ and you're rewarded with his nose brushing against the hollow of your throat, taking a deep inhale there before asking “what do I know?” The edge of the bar is digging into your back as Uvo presses himself around you. The smell of pine and a hint of his sweat all-encompassing until it feels like you’re breathing him in. Breathily, you answer him “I trust you Uv-“ Before you can finish his mouth is on yours again, nudging against yours so excitedly that your head is forced backwards. ”Good girl” its grunted out in between kisses, and in no time his tongue is invading your mouth, clouding your senses in a way that could never compare to the alcohol in your veins. When you let out a whine at his praise, at his hands, his mouth, his scent surrounding you, the bartender finally decides he’s had enough “Hey! Hate to break it to you both, but people are paying for drinks not a show” Uvo only growls, eyes still closed he parts from you to growl out a “Fuck off” before moving to place open mouthed kisses along your jaw. “C-can we leave, Uvo? ” its whisper quiet, but he still understand the message loud and clear. “Sure, doll.” He smiles, easily lifting you up as he rises to leave.
How easily he could break you. Hurt you in ways that are unthinkable, but the concept of that alone shakes him to his very core. He’s wanted this for so long, has had to deal with a deep ache in his chest at even the mere thought of you being so far away from him when he’d gone on missions with the troupe. When he rips your bottoms off, all you manage to do is whine and shyly try to cover yourself underneath him. With a gruff “stop” he pushes your hands to the side to finally see what he’s wanted for so long. You beneath him, desperate for him and him alone. His smile is almost manic as his hands roam your body. Uvos never had to have patience, has always taken what he wanted regardless of anything else. But your lust filled gaze, your body so warm underneath his wide palms is enough proof that this was worth waiting for. And god, does he want to take his time with you. Wants to taste and savor every little moan you give to him, but he’s a man on a mission. So, he hopes that he’s worked you up enough at the bar and the way back to make this go smoothly. with little effort he flips you onto your stomach, grabbing harshly at your hips before lining himself up and slowly pushing in. Soft and tight, he fucks into you like it’s his duty. Hips coming to slam against your ass with so much vigor, if it weren’t for his hands gripping your soft flesh he would’ve pounded you into the mattress a long time ago.
He lets out a low growl as he pictures you swollen, your hands rubbing over your pregnant stomach, it isn’t a want at this point. It’s a desperate need that punches the air out of his lungs with every mental image. Uvo lets out a groan as he takes time to truly think about it, to savor the idea of claiming you, even if it isn’t something you truly wanted. Even if it was never your intention to be with him, this rough coupling only sourced from your lowered inhibitions due to the alcohol. He pictures you being filled by someone other than him. Someone claiming you for the rest of your life when it was obvious that you belonged to him. The thought alone so maddening that he almost doesn’t hear the high-pitched yip that you let out. His grip on you had become a little too strong, a little too painful. Cooing, Uvo wraps an arm around your middle, slowing his pace down a bit as his other hand comes to pull you to his chest by your throat. Your body knocks against him a little harder than he intended, but the mewl that you reward him with at the change in position is enough to clear his mind from any troubled thoughts. It’s delicious, the sweat that beads down the column of your throat, so enticing that Uvo has half a mind to bite down. His only distraction being the little soft sighs and whimpers and chants of his name falling from your lips as he rubs against that spot inside of you. Its unintentional, the onslaught of stimulation he so dutifully sends you with every sharp press of his body to yours. His cock so big that he has no choice but to rub against every part of you. To fill you so completely that you can only think of him. “You trust me?” he asks again, teeth nipping the soft skin of your neck. He was trying to hold back, truly he was, but the prospect of marking up what was rightfully his was becoming a little too enticing. You release a series of whines, too fucked out to even begin to form a proper sentence. Uvo laughs at that. Something carefree and gentle, unlike the way he’s still holding you to his chest by the tight grip on your throat. “C’mon little one,” he urges, free hand coming down to settle on your clit. “Tell me you trust me so I can give you what you want, hm?” And with the words numbly falling from your spit slick lips Uvo gives in to the urge to breed your sopping pussy completely. To fuck and fill and keep until the day he fucking dies. With a euphoric laugh his hips once again move against you, your cries falling on deaf ears at the brutal new pace he’s set for you. Its dizzying, maddening, so fucking disorienting you don’t comprehend the sound of your own voice as the orgasm that rips from your body catches in your throat. You thrash against his iron hold, eyes rolled into the back of your skull as Uvo’s pace doesn’t falter. “You cryin for me sweetheart?” he asks incredulously. Surely you couldn’t be overwhelmed after cumming just once, right? In all honesty, he doesn’t know, but he hushes you with a kiss to the forehead, grunting out an “It’s alright” before slowly maneuvering your body down to the bed again, strong hands ensnaring your waist and holding your pliant body against his hips. Too tired to even pretend to hold yourself up any longer, he takes joy in the knowledge that this fuck will be the one that binds you to him forever. It should be downright infuriating how quickly he cums just after you. His hips stutter of their own accord, hulking body dropping to cover yours completely, he finally gives in to the urge to sink his teeth down. Your body jolts, a cry falling from your lips as Uvo mars the flesh of your shoulder, drawing blood that mixes with his spit to form a pink hue that drips down onto the bedsheets. Its enough to make his entire body tense in pleasure, wave after wave of pure bliss rocking through him as he releases inside of you. If he wasn't so drunk off of the feeling, he’d probably chuckle at the way your little body squirms beneath him, as if trying to simultaneously get away from the feeling and scoot your weakened form closer. But he can't. all he can do is focus on not crushing you as he ever so gently rolls onto his side, making sure to keep himself pressed snugly inside of you. His hand idly travels down your side, lost in the feeling of your soft skin underneath his coarse palm. The contrast is enough to make you shiver, whining his name as he gently fondles the plump flesh of your ass. Its enough to remind you of his cock still buried deep within you, its girth the only thing holding back the fluids that surely aren’t supposed to be inside. You try to scoot away, a slurred “Gotta clean up” ungracefully leaving your mouth, but Uvo doesn’t allow it. His arm is still wrapped snugly around your middle, and there’s no give as you try to wriggle out of his hold. he offers no reasoning, just a gruff “lay back down.” And you do. You do because the heat of his body curled around you is too enticing. The feeling of his lips pressed softly against the top of your head, and the even breaths that escape his throat are, ultimately, too comforting to leave. With a sigh you listen, relaxing into Uvo’s warm chest even further.
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hold-our-destiny · 4 years ago
5 times tony comforted Peter and the one time Peter comforted Tony
This is for @bluesweatshirt for the friendly neighborhood exchange!
(also i’m really sorry i couldn’t add in a cut off on mobile)
Peter wasn't a sad person.
He wasn't too sad when his parents didn't come home from their business trip. Yeah, he was sad when Ben died- he died in front of him for god’s sake- but he didn’t show it, he sucked it up and helped May with the new struggles with money.
Peter wasn't sad, no. He was tired though.
God, he was so tired.
It had been two weeks since homecoming night and Peter was catering between not being able to sleep at all and waking up every night from nightmares.
This night was different, though.
Because for some reason… Mr Stark was in his nightmare.
It was never anyone but peter. Always Peter stuck under rubble, falling from a plane, stuck in the fire. Never anyone else so why now would it be Mr Stark?
That wasn’t exactly the first thought on his mind when he woke up.
Peter woke up with a start, breath stuck in his chest, tears already escaping his eyes.
He threw the covers off him, needing to be free from the confines, before reaching for his phone.
He’s hurt, mr stark’s hurt and he can't help him- oh god he can't save him-
“Hello?” Mr Stark’s groggy voice shook him out of his thoughts.
“Mr Stark?” Peter asked, almost scared for any reply.
“Pete? You okay?” His mentor’s voice took on a new tone. Worry mixed with… something.
“Yeah, sorry, i just- I’m sorry for waking you- I’ll hang up now-”
“Peter. Are you okay?” The question made him want to cry, made him want to curl up and let it all out with how safe it made Peter feel.
“Yeah I’m-” he took a breath, “I’m fine,”
He could tell the billionaire knew he wasn’t, “Okay, well you might as well help me anyway,”
“Help you?”
“Yeah, i've been up for hours trying to figure this problem out,” He lied.
The mechanic explained the problem to him, Peter letting the words wash over him, breathing through the explanation. He pretended not to notice when Mr Stark didn't ask for his thoughts, when he reminded him to breathe every now and then, just letting his words soothe the kid from the evident panic attack he’d just gone through.
God, he was so out of his element.
Maybe this was a good thing- maybe it was good for him to comfort this kid- this kid who he barely knew. Just for tonight, only tonight.
Tony was tired. No, scratch that- he was fucking exhausted.
He was pretty much ready to drop on that wednesday, ready to curl up in his king size bed and sleep for 16 hours straight.
And yeah, maybe he forgot it was lab day.
Peter walked- more like stumbled- through the lab doors, somehow racing and also shuffling to his seat, dropping his bag with a thud and sitting in his chair in almost the same manner.
Peter’s hair was messy, curls more unruly than usual, and Tony would bet that if he could see the kid’s eyes, they wouldn’t look healthy. 
“Hey kid,”
No answer.
“You okay?”
A delay, then a slight nod. Peter still hadn’t put anything in front of him, just simply sitting at the desk.
“You wanna skip lab day today?” 
Peter’s head shot up, eyes wide and concerned. And yeah, Tony was right, he had dark bags under his eyes.
“What? Is something wrong? Do you need me to leave?” Tony raised a hand to stop him.
“No- no- I mean more like…” He didn’t know how he was going to say this, “I’m pretty tired right now, do you wanna just order a pizza and chill out on the couch?”
Peter looked at him suspiciously, before nodding, already getting up and heading to the other room.
Yeah, tony thought to himself, you’re doing okay
Peter was passed out on the couch within 5 minutes, remote laying in his limp hand and head lolled to the side awkwardly.
Tony brought the pizza in, setting the boxes down on the coffee table and gently shook Peter awake.
“Hey, kid,” He whispered as Peter woke up, matching the tone to the dark room, “You wanna have something to eat? Or at least get into more of a comfortable position,”
Peter nodded groggily, sitting up so Tony could sit next to him, legs touching as Peter moved closer. Tony raised his arm up and around the back of the couch, resting on the teenager’s shoulders and allowing him to relax into the billionaire.
Tony put a random star wars film on the tv, letting it drift into background noise as the kid fell asleep next to him.
For years, Tony had been scared of fucking a future kid up, becoming his father and eventually pushing everyone away. Somehow, now, his fears have receded, his mind reassuring him repeatedly.
He trusts you. You’re doing okay.
Peter woke up under rubble.
No, no, this wasn’t a nightmare. The air was too thick, dust invading his airways. He choked on it as he took a breath. It was too dark, way too dark, the rocks were crushing him, piercing his skin in multiple places. He groaned with the weight, reaching for his watch instinctively. 
He pressed the side button three times, letting red light illuminate his surroundings and trying to breathe with the rubble pushing down on his chest.
His watch lit up blue, and Tony’s voice started speaking through it. 
“Peter? Pete- you there?”
“Y-yeah I’m here” He choked out, a waver in his voice.
“Okay, how are you feeling, kid?” 
“I- The rubble- it’s crushing me- i can’t-” His breath started to speed up at the reminder, panic invading his senses.
“Kid- kid! You gotta calm down, okay? We’re getting you out now, i promise- we’re gunna get you out real soon- but you gotta calm down for us to do that, okay?”
Peter made an affirmative noise, closing his eyes and trying to even out his breaths. His memories were resurfacing much quicker than he could cope with and Tony’s voice was only helping slightly. Peter didn’t know what he was saying, letting the noises meld together in his mind as he calmed himself.
After a few minutes- or hours, he didn’t know- he’d calmed down somewhat, finally able to focus on the voice coming out of his watch. 
“We’re getting you out of there now, kid. You’re doing so good for me, Pete- just keep breathing for me, okay?”
With the panic receding now, Peter was much more aware of his surroundings. He was also aware of the fact that his brain was slowing down, unable to process things as quickly as he normally could. There was a reason for that in the back of his mind but he couldn’t reach it. 
There was something wet underneath him, soaking up into his clothes, he didn’t like that. He wanted to move away from it but only made it hurt worse when he tried- he cried out in pain.
There was a scuffle on the other end of the line- “Yeah, pete? You okay?- what’s happening?”
“T’ny- t- tony! T’y please- g’t me out- please- please- i- i can’t-” 
“Peter- what’s happening?”
“H’rts- my- my chest- there’s- it’s-” The panic was back now, confusing him even more than before, “S’mthing- und’r- something wet- under me- t’ny please-”
“Shit- Peter- Pete- breathe, okay kid? Breathe for me. We’re gunna help you,”
Peter took a breath, then another, and another, steadying his heart before whimpering when the rubble shifted, “Kid, we’ve almost got you. I need you to stay awake, okay? We’re gonna get to you soon but you gotta stay awake so you can tell us if we move the wrong thing, okay?”
Peter made an affirmative noise again, wanting nothing more than to move away from the pain, but listening to Tony.
Tony talked again a while later, surprising Peter when he did. 
“Pete? You still awake for me, bud?”
“Y-yeah im- im here,” 
He heard Tony breathe out slowly, “That’s good, Pete. We’re only a few feet away from you, but the next thing we’re going to move is gunna shift some stuff, okay? Tell us if it hurts you, okay, kid?”
“Okay- I’ll tell y’u”
He waited a few seconds, hearing some movement to his side, before the rubble shifted and his legs screamed in pain. He only let out a grunt, not wanting to stop the team’s efforts, and only a moment passed before he saw his father figure knelt down beside his head, cradling it with one hand. He smiled up at him.
“T-tony-” He sobbed.
Tony nodded, “Yeah, yeah, kid, i’m here now. Sorry we couldn’t get to you sooner but I got you now, i promise. You did so good for me, bud,”
“Good?” Peter’s eyes were closing now, relishing in the relief of pain after hours of panic.
“So good, kid. I’m so proud of you for staying calm. You can sleep now, okay? Let us do the rest.”
He smiled up at his mentor again, letting his eyes close and his body relaxed as his mind gave in to the not-so-distant pull of sleep.
Tony woke up that morning to a call from midtown tech.
Of course, he was confused as to why Peter’s school would call him at midday on a random tuesday.
“Is this Tony Stark?” The caller sounded dubious- doubtful.
“Yes, it is,”
“This is Julia calling from midtown tech. Are you the emergency contact for Peter Parker?”
“One of them, yes,”
“Would you be able to pick Peter up soon?” Tony was already getting some more presentable clothes on, worried as hell.
“Yes, of course. Can I ask why?”
“To be completely honest with you, Mr Stark, I don't even know. There’s a police officer in there with him right now, and that’s all i know.”
Tony froze. A police officer could only mean two things, and Tony didn’t like either option.
“I’ll be there in 10 minutes,” And with that, he hung up.
Peter practically fell into his arms when he walked into the office. Tony instinctively went to cradle the back of his head as he processed everything that was happening. One of those things being that Peter was crying.
Peter was crying.
He wrapped his arms around the teenager more firmly as the police officer stepped toward them.
“Mr Stark, I’m officer Langford,” Tony nodded curtly towards him, waiting for an explanation.
“You may want to sit down for this,” 
It took some time for Tony to maneuver Peter into a more comfortable position on the couch in the corner, the kid not wanting his mentor to see his face- in fear?- but they got there in the end.
The officer sat down in a chair opposite them, “I’m sorry to tell you this but this morning May Parker was involved in a car accident, she was rushed to the hospital but unfortunately, she was pronounced dead on arrival-” Peter held him slightly tighter, “We called you here because you were Peter’s second emergency contact, and in situations like these, we need a temporary home for him. If you agree, you can take him home now, and if not we can move him to a separate-” Tony held a hand up to cut him off.
He moved the hand back down to rub across Peter’s back, meant to be a soothing gesture but somehow made him more tense. 
“I’ll take him now, and i can sort out the paperwork for a… longer arrangement soon,” Officer Langford nodded before wishing them well and leaving, but Tony didn’t pay any notice, his mind too caught up in what just happened.
It wasn’t caught up in May’s death, somehow in the back of his mind, he knew, he knew that police officers didn’t just show up at a kid’s school for no reason. He wouldn’t have been called if it was anything else.
No, it wasn’t caught up with that.
It was caught up with the fact that Peter- his kid, his Peter- upon hearing Tony’s agreement to take him in- he lost all tension in his body. As if he was relieved, as if he feared Tony would leave him, as if he would abandon the kid he’s grown so close to lately.
Tony couldn’t process it.
“Hey, kiddo, can you look at me please?” Peter minutely shook his head, burrowing into Tony’s shirt even closer than before. His tears had long since stopped, now just seeking comfort from the billionaire.
“We’ve gotta be clear about some stuff, okay, bud? Just a few minutes and then we can go back to whatever this is,” Tony wasn’t good at this.
But, still, Peter pulled back from their embrace, head turned down towards his legs. 
“Kid-” Tony was stuck for words, “i want you to know that you can stay with me for as long as you like, okay? If it’s just for this week, for a while or if it’s for the rest of your life, okay? I need you to understand that i’m going to stick with you through all of it, anything you need from me, I’ll get it for you,” He took a breath, “You’re not alone in this,”
Peter crumpled.
As if against his own command, his body surged forward, arms clumsily reaching for his father figure, breaths coming through as gasps, head still downturned. 
But still, Tony caught him.
Tony took Peter back to the tower, he set him up in his room, gave him food and sent him to bed. He figured they’d deal with talking about it tomorrow, after some good sleep and a long fucking think about how Tony feels about this kid.
That went to shit at around 4am.
Tony was up on his feet before he could process the scream, legs rushing him to the only inhabited room on his floor. Pushing the door open and hoping for the worst.
He really didn’t expect to see Peter in the corner, bed sheets crumpled around his feet, breaths barely present.
He kneeled down a few feet away, unsure about whether Peter needed him close or not. But upon seeing the kid reach out a trembling hand towards him, he surged forward, pulling the teenager into his arms.
“It’s okay, whatever it is, it’s okay, we’re safe. I’ve got you.” He repeated in hushed whispers, rocking the two of them back and forth.
It was only a few minutes later when Peter responded to him, breathing normally now, hand clutching his mentor’s shirt as he mumbled into his chest.
“Couldn’t- couldn’t save y’u- i- i can’- can’t do i’- pl’se t’ny-”
Tony hushed him. 
Peter repeated the mantra for another- god, tony didn’t know how long- until tony was finally able to hush him. The billionaire carefully picked him up, walking him the few feet over to the bed and laying him down in it. 
Tony hesitated by the door, before hushing his brain of all negative thoughts, turning off the light and retreating back into the teenager’s bedroom. He climbed into the bed with the kid, curling up next to him- relieved when Peter immediately turned to cling to his chest.
Slowly, he fell asleep.
To say Peter was worried about this mission was an understatement. Him and Tony were going undercover together and honestly… it was already awkward. 
The thing is, Peter wouldn’t have any trouble going undercover normally but now, they were going in as father and son. 
There was this guy- this villain they’d started calling the ‘poisoner’- who was targeting father and son couples, poisoning the son and leaving the father with the body until they were found. They’d tried everything to arrest the guy but… he kept getting away- going undercover was the only option- the last ditch attempt before the avengers started knocking on doors.
It was weird how Peter was more scared to act like Toy was his dad, when he could actually die if the other guy got the upper hand.
They were sat in the hotel room, waiting. 
They saw the guy- the poisoner- earlier at the bar. He’d followed them all night, back to their room but… he hadn’t pushed his way in, always staying just too far away to be apprehended by Tony.
It took a few hours for there to be a knock at the door, Tony standing up and casting a quick look at Peter before going to answer it.
He opened the door to see him- the guy- the poisoner- dressed up as a waiter or something, pushing a cart in front of him.
“Can i help you?”
He smiled, “Room service, sir,” He started pushing his way past Tony.
“I’m sorry, but we didn’t order room service,”
The poisoner turned around quickly as he heard the door blow shut, quickly pulling Tony into a headlock and facing Peter, who was frozen in the shock of it all.
“Now I’m going to say this one time only,” He ignored Tony struggling in his hold, pulling out a gun from his waistband, “There’s handcuffs under the cart. You’re going to cuff yourself to the bed or I’ll blow your dad’s brains out,” 
Peter moved slowly, sliding off the bed and keeping his hands visible. The man was the same height as Tony and didn’t look much bigger than him. Tony should be able to get out of his hold easily- there was a reason he couldn’t- and now he had a gun to his head.
He reached under the tablecloth, feeling the cold metal and pulling out three sets of handcuffs. He moved over to the bed again, cursing the hotel for having actual bed posts, and cuffed his left wrist to the bed, laying down on it to make himself more comfortable. 
The man then pushed Tony away from him, pointing the gun at Peter this time and making fear rush through him, “Now you- cuff his other hand to the bed,” 
Tony hesitated, making the man cock the gun, and Tony then quickly moved towards Peter, efficiently cuffing the teenager’s wrist, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance that didn’t do much to reassure him.
“Pull the chair away from the desk,” The poisoner commanded, “And cuff your hands behind it,”
Tony did so immediately, not risking Peter’s safety again. Only once he was situated did he start talking.
“You know you’re going to regret this,” The poisoner laughed.
“You really think so, do you? I know you’ve got this room bugged, i know the avengers are probably on their way here. But I’m here to send a message,”
“And what message is that?” 
He paused, pulling the lid off the metal plate he brought in on the cart, it revealed a neat line of six vials, all full of a blue liquid.
“You need to pay for what you did,”
As it turns out, the poisoner doesn't actually inject the poison.
No, that would be too merciful.
Tony’s handcuffed to the chair he’s sat in, facing the bed. The same bed of which Peter, his kid, the teenager who he’d grown to care for so much in the past year or two, was handcuffed to in an ironic parallel. Father and son. Mentor and mentee. Tony, the merchant of death, destined to lead anyone he comes into contact with to a gruesome fate.
Peter happened to be that person.
Tony remembered the first few days after the fight with the rogues, how he regretted taking Peter with him, knowing he was going to ruin the kid. The few months after had only solidified that claim, and so he’d taken the suit.
There was no way he was getting out of the situation now.
The poisoner- that son of a bitch tony was going to kill as soon as he could get out of this damn chair-
The poisoner, had strapped a mask to the teenager’s head, slowly screwing in a vial of that fucking liquid on either side.
And now he was breathing it in- the gas- the poison that Tony just sat there as he’d been strapped down.
Now, Tony thought it was bad enough when he’d had all those thoughts running through his head, memories of Peter before they’d gotten to know each other, before Tony had taken him in. He thought that had been bad enough.
But no, it was so much worse when all those thoughts suddenly screeched to a halt.
Because Peter had just turned his head, linking eyes with Tony, a desperate plea moving between them.
Because Peter was scared- he looked terrified. 
There were unshed tears laying in his tear ducts, enough to easily see as you looked at the kid. His lips barely visible within the mask but from what Tony could see, they were held in a strained frown, lips being bitten.
Peter moved his head towards his mentor, linking eyes with the man. And that, right there in that moment, was when the teenager let go.
“T-tony-” A sob cut him off, choked out between his lips.
“T-tony please- i can’t- i don’t-” Tony shushed him from where he was sitting.
“Kid- Pete- I-” Tony was speechless, all known reassurances dying in his throat as soon as he’d thought of them, what were you supposed to say to a kid who was dying and you couldn’t do anything about it?
“Tony- please- dad- i can’t-” that kicked his instincts into gear.
“Kid, you need to stop talking, okay? The team’s going to get here soon, they’ll get this shit out of you and you’ll be okay, then you can tell me whatever you need to when you’re better, okay?”
Peter nodded, eyes still wide with tears but he listened to the billionaire. and somehow, that made it so much worse, the kid would follow him into fire if he asked him to, and now Tony got him into this situation.
Tony wanted nothing more than to look away from what was happening, as Peter breathed in the poison, helpless to do anything, but he couldn’t not be there for the kid. He needed his father figures comfort.
“he’s right, the teams gunna get here soon, i don’t know when but we’ll get you out of this as soon as we can, and then we can spend a week watching all of the star wars movies, and the clone wars if you want, anything you want kid” 
The poisoner was sat in the corner of the room, on the other bed. He was watching them, watching Tony desperately give his kid comfort without being able to touch him. 
Tony looked at him, “you’re a fucking psychopath, you know that, right? he’s 16, he’s just a kid. why don’t you kill me instead if you want me to pay so much, huh?”
The poisoner chuckled, standing up to walk over to them, “If you die, you wouldn’t feel the pain i did as my kid died in front of me, i’m going to make you watch as your kid suffocates in front of you”
He got two new vials, replacing the almost empty ones. Peter’s wheezing had gotten a lot more prominent now, trying desperately to bring in air. 
Tony’s always been around death, it greets him at every corner. but every time, someone else dies instead of him, or at least, they come close to it. 
He doesn’t know what he’d do if Peter dies.
He’d already changed to the last set of vials now, Peter's breath was barely there. 
Tony was fucking terrified, obviously.
The team was close, he was sure of it, but that had been what he’d been telling himself the whole time. 
They were barely minutes out by his assumptions, but he didn’t know if Peter had minutes, vials nearly empty as the liquid in them turned to gas for the teenager to breathe in, slowly suffocating him.
He was still facing Tony, eve after this long, still trusting him to save him. Even as his body could barely pull in breaths, eyes drooping, they didnt stray from his face.
“Peter, you gotta keep your eyes open, i know it’s hard, i know- but you’ve gotta stay awake for just a few more minutes. We’re gunna help you, but you just gotta stay awake,” 
Peter looked at him sadly, but his eyes stayed open and Tony counted that as a win. He started to say something but Tony shushed him quickly.
“It’s okay, kid. Don’t try to talk. We’ve been over this already, you can talk to me after the team gets here- star wars marathon and everything, remember?”
Peter’s eyebrows creased inwards, and Tony’s heart dropped. Either he just forgot about that whole part of their conversation or… or… 
“You just gotta stay awake for me, okay? I believe in you kid, dont let me down,”
The door seemed to explode inwards when the team got there, Tony didn’t look up.
He didn’t look up as they arrested the poisoner, Bruce and sam moving to Peter, while two others moved to get Tony out of the seat he was in.
As soon as the handcuffs were undone, he surged forward, one hand reaching for the kid’s- which now rested on the bed after being released- and the other going to rest in his curls. Tony quickly wiped the tears off the kid’s face, staying away from his mouth as the others tried to give him as much oxygen as he needed.
Peter choked on a sob when he realised Tony was there, mouth slightly upturning even as another oxygen mask was placed over his face.
“I’m here kid. I’m so proud of you for staying awake, okay?” He looked to bruce, as the man looked away from Peter’s vitals, nodding to Tony now, “You can go to sleep now, I’m so proud of you kid, it’s okay,”
Peter’s eyes didn’t leave him, even as he fell asleep.
Tony cried as he was carried away.
Peter woke up in the medbay. That was his first sign that something bad happened.
The next sign was his mentor-father-figure-dad asleep on the side of his bed. 
Peter’s eyes widened as he saw the tear tracks lining his cheeks. Tony never cried, not even when he dropped an engine on his foot that one time. If Tony was crying now, this- whatever it was that happened- it was bad bad.
Tony startled awake, as if he meant to be on guard, and took one look at the kid in front of him before reaching for Peter and bringing him into his arms.
“Oh my fucking god, kid. Holy shit, you’re okay. Oh my god-”
“Tony what happened?” Was the teenager’s muffled answer, not complaining about being smothered in his da- Tony’s shirt.
“There was this- this guy we went after- had to go undercover and he got to us and he poisoned you, kid- and i couldn't- i couldn't do anything about it- i just sat there and you- you did so good-”
Peter shushed him as the memories arose in his mind, “Tony, can i talk for a second?” He received a nod in reply, “You called the team, Tony. I didn’t, you did. They got there in time and now I’m okay, aren’t I? You did everything that you could, if anything i should've done something, I’m the one with powers here. No- i know- i couldn’t have done anything but you were there the whole time telling me to stay awake and i did, Tony, because of you.”
Tony didn’t say anything, seemingly processing what the kid said. He looked up slowly, tears falling down his cheeks, leaning forward and pulling the kid into a hug again.
Slowly, Peter got tired, nearly falling asleep in Tony’s arms. So, of course, Tony moved into the bed with him, pulling the kid to rest his head against the man’s chest.
“I got you, kid, don’t worry. You can go to sleep,” Peter didn’t know if Tony was reassuring himself or the kid.
Stil, nonetheless, Peter seemingly couldn’t hold back from murmuring a last thought as he fell asleep.
“Love you, dad”
Tony froze for a moment before replying, “Yeah, i love you too, kid,”
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almondmilks-posts · 4 years ago
Corpse- throat pains
Corpse had been streaming in his room for over two hours now. This meant you hadn't seen your boyfriend for over two hours which is terrible for you and to him, he hadn't been blessed with your beautiful face and or company for over two hours and honestly you planned to change that.
You knew corpse liked it when you sat down by his feet doing whatever, he made a joke about you being like a puppy or a cat but you knew he liked it. He told you a few times that it was calming to rest his hand on your head while you coloured or watched a movie or something, he seemed to just enjoy your presence while he was streaming. However if you were gunna do that you usually got in position before he started streaming but right now that's all you wanted to do so you made you and corpse some tea and headed up to his steaming room.
You gently knocked on the black door, hearing no response but hearing corpse giggle you slowly entered the room. His desk faced the door so he knew when you were entering, slowly opening the door not to drop the tea but also not to scare corpse.
Corpse- hold up chat let me go get a drink. *mute*  y/n what you need?
You- great timing I got you some tea bub bub, also I wanna sit in here please??
Corpse- it feels like your telling me rather than asking me.
You- maybe I am
Corpse- fine I'm streaming bub you have to be quite, thanks for the tea tho my throat kinda hurts
You- awe, you been talking to much
You walked over to him at his desk and placed his tea down by him, kissed him on the throat than on the nose than on the forehead. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you kissed over his eye patch. (Ohh I have to wear one now so made 😤😤😠😠 my right eye is being super sensitive to everything for no reason)
Corpse- as much as I love this I need to get back to chat.
You- well I'll be right here bub bub.
You plopped down on your knees by is leg. You had your pens and pencils under his desk incase this would happen again which it most likely won't be the last time you do this, he placed his hand in your head as you began to colour in the book. You had ordered a horror themed colouring book so corpse could place the pictures on the wall on his streaming room and so far he has all of the ones you had completed up. Today was a zombie school girl which made no sense to be sexualising something like that but whatever.
This continued on for about an hour when you got bored of colouring and just wanted some physical contact with your boyfriend. You put the things away and sat up s little to be able to grab onto his leg a tiny bit, he smiled down at you and looked back at the screen. You noticed corpse drinking his tea a lot more frequently and his voice getting a lil rasper. You knew what this meant, you'd been together for long enough to know his throat was hurting from his stomach acid (poor dude, that's why his voice is so deep it's damaging his vocal cords) you tugged on his trouser leg, but he continued to look at the screen and move around the among us map, so you tugged a lil harder which he did notice.
Corpse- ok guys I need to go to the bathroom, I think it's Rae. *Mute* what's up bub you finished colouring?
You- no, well I got bored. You ok your throat is hurting huh?
Corpse- a little the teas gone cold so it's not really doing much.
You- :( how long left of your stream?
Corpse- im not quite sure why?
You- your throat hurts let go cuddle and watch some YouTube there's a new inked video out I think
Corpse- I wish I could baby but we haven't finished the round yet.
You- awweeee you need to take care of yourself, I know things are stressful for you right now bubs and that's when you deteriorate and I can't watch you do that remember last time? That's was really scary
Corpse- awe baby come here. You take care of me bub, I'll finish this round than we can go watch that video of yours huh?
You- yesssss I'll order some food
Corpse- hey y/n?
You- yes corpse?
Corpse- I love you. So much.
You- I know. I guess I love you to Mr big streamer.
Awe man. I am incredibly lonely I want a soft gf mannnnnn this shit sucks bro :((
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seanfalco · 5 years ago
My Girl | Nathan Young x Reader
Fandom: Misfits Pairing: Nathan x Reader Word Count: 1629 Rating: T Prompt: I called you at 2am because I need you Requested by: @gurlimtired​ a/n: I noticed that some of my drabbles that I posted as asks weren’t showing up in the tag, so I figured I’d try this.  Thank you for the request!  I really ended up enjoying this one :3
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Feet dangling  over the side of the balcony, Nathan rested his chin on his arm as he leaned forward against the railing, looking over the dark Community Center.  With a heavy sigh he reached for his phone once again, checking the time as his screen lit up.  It was nearly 2:00 and he was nowhere near tired.  Oh, he’d tried to sleep, but after an hour of rolling about his mattress restlessly, he gave up.
This was the third time in twenty minutes he’d nearly dialed your number, backing out at the last minute.  She’s probably hanging out with her bandmates, or sleepin’, or --
He sighed again, jumping when his phone lit up in his hand, your name filling the screen and the obnoxious ringtone echoing loudly in the empty room.  “Ahh!” he cried, juggling the vibrating phone, almost dropping it over the ledge.
“[Y/N], what’s up?” he answered as suavely as possible, not wanting you to know how glad he was that you’d called.
“Nathan? Oh, thank God,” you answered and he didn’t fail to notice the way your voice trembled slightly on the other end of the line.
“[Y/N], are you… okay?  It’s almost two and --”
“Uhm, not… not really?” you answered, huffing a nervous laugh.  “There’s this guy who’s been harassing me at work, like he keeps tryin’ to get my number and shit, and uh… he’s outside right now.  He’s been waitin’ for me to get off.  I thought he’d given up and gone away, but he’s still out there and I’m - I don’t really wanna walk home alone.”
Before he knew it Nathan was on his feet, rooting around for his discarded clothes.  “Where are you right now?” he asked, barely concealed alarm in his voice, though he was past caring if you noticed or not -- the only thing he could think of was getting to you before that creeper tried anything sketchy.
“I’m still at work.  I told my manager I was gunna wait around til someone could walk with me.”
“Alright.  Stay there, okay?  I’m comin’ to get you.”
As soon as he hung up he finished dressing and shoved his feet into his shoes before slipping out of the Community Center and hurrying to the tiny convenience store you worked at, not far away.  When he got to the store he saw you through the window, waiting by the counter, chatting with your coworker.  Tossing his spent cigarette to the curb he crushed it under his sneaker, glancing around nonchalantly, lookin’ for the bloke that was giving you a hard time.  
Catching sight of a shady lookin’ fellow waitin’ round the corner, he figured that was the guy, quickly ducking his curly head before the bloke noticed him staring and pushed through the door into the bright fluorescent flooded interior.
As soon as Nathan entered, relief flooded you at the sight of him and you waved, letting your friend know you were leaving and hurried over to him.  “Nathan!  Thank you!  Thank you, thank you, thank you,” you exclaimed, grateful that he’d come right away.  “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“Nah, I was still up,” he assured you with a shrug.  “So, that guy round the corner,” he continued, pointing back over his shoulder with his thumb, “that the guy that’s been harassin’ ya?”
“Yeah, that’s him,” you replied, shoving your hands in your jacket pockets.
“How long’s this been goin’ oh, huh?”
“A couple of weeks,” you answered reluctantly, not quite meeting his eye.
“Why didn’t yeh say anythin’ sooner?” he asked, his voice surprisingly somber and you shrugged.
“Didn’t think it was a big deal.  I thought he’d get tired of it and leave me alone, but…” you trailed off with a sigh.  “He’s never waited around for me like this before.”
Nathan frowned, wrapping an arm protectively around your shoulder as he ushered you toward the door.  “Well, I’m gunna have a little talkin’ to with the git,” he announced, and you raised an eyebrow at him.  ��I’ll be polite, yeah?” he exclaimed, a touch defensively, though you didn’t believe it for a second.
As soon as you walked out the door, the guy pushed off the wall where he’d been waiting, his expression darkening when he saw Nathan’s arm around you.
“Hey you!” Nathan called, drawing himself up straighter, smirking at the fact that he was nearly a whole foot taller than the other guy.
“Who me?” he asked.
“Yeah, you, y’prick,” Nathan scoffed.  “I hear you’ve been messin’ with my girl.”
At his words your brows rose in surprise and you ducked your head, trying to fight back the grin that was threatening to steal across your face.
“Your girl?” the guy spat, incredulity painting his face.  “She ain’t never mentioned--”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Nathan cut in, “my girl, and I don’t appreciate you harassin’ her.  She don’t appreciate it, nobody appreciates it.  So why don’t you take the hint and scamper off like a good boy, eh?  And don’t show your ugly mug round here again!  You probably have a tiny dick too,” he threw in there for good measure.
Once he’d finished his little tirade, which you had to admit was rather sweet, in his own way, he stared the bloke down, raising his thick eyebrows as if just daring him to try anything.
“Yeah?  And whatcha gunna do bout it, huh?” the guy shot back, not stepping down.  “You don’t look so tough, y’gangly git.”
Nathan’s eyes narrowed, his grip around your shoulder tightening before he was pushing you behind him and stepping in front of you defensively.
“Oh, I’m tough.  I’m real tough.  Come at me, bro!” he exclaimed raising his fists as if he were actually gunna fight the fellow.
“Nathan!” you hissed in alarm -- this wasn’t what you’d had in mind when you’d asked him to walk you home.
Glancing over his shoulder at you, he flashed what he probably assumed to be a reassuring grin.  “Don’t worry [Y/N], m’love, I can take ‘im!”
Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms over your chest.  “If you end up dyin’, I’m gunna kick your fuckin’ arse!”
If anything, that didn’t seem to deter him, his grin only growing as he waggled his eyebrows at you.  The guy across from him looked taken aback for a moment, no doubt confused by your exclamation, but soon he had his fists raised as well, advancing on Nathan before throwing a right hook, catching him right on the jaw.
Nathan gasped, touching his cheek gingerly.  “That was just a lucky shot, mate.  C’mon!”  Again the other guy’s fist made contact and you winced, not sure how much longer you could stand watching Nathan get beat up for you.
Spitting blood, Nathan wiped the rest of it from his chin with the back of his hand, this time managing to get a shot in himself, mouthing ‘ow’ as he shook his hand.  While the bloke was dazed, Nathan managed to tackle him, crashing to the pavement atop him before scrambling to hold him down, throwing punches til the guy surrendered.
“Alright, alright, I give up, jeeze!” he cried, holding up his hands.  “You can have ‘er, she ain’t worth it.”
Nathan frowned, grabbing his lapels and lifting him so their faces were inches apart, no trace of amusement in his expression.  “To you, maybe,” he hissed under his breath, dropping the guy as he got to his feet, a trifle unsteadily and you rushed to his side, catching him before he tripped, letting him lean on you.
“Did you call me your girl?” you asked, glancing over at him as you walked, a small smile playing at your lips despite everything.
“Uhh… did I?” Nathan asked, feigning ignorance.  “I was in the zone, I can’t rightly remember.”
“You called me your girl,” you insisted, your grin growing at the conflicted look on Nathan’s face.
“Okay, yeah, maybe I did,” he admitted, “but it was in the heat of the moment, it was part of the charade,” he exclaimed.
“Uh huh,” you said with a smirk, stopping and turning to him, reaching up to jerk his face toward you for a better look.  “You’re gunna have one helluva shiner tomorrow,” you murmured, turning his face this way and that. 
“Yeah, well, it was worth it,” he murmured, his eyes darting away from yours.  “Besides, it’ll make me look tough.  The ladies love that kind of thing, right?” he asked, his usual bravado returning.
“D’you mean, do I like that kinda thing?” you asked, taking him off guard, watching his adam’s apple bob slowly as he swallowed. 
“Well… do ya?”
“Maybe, a little,” you murmured, and his eyebrows rose as he sucked in a breath, his eyes flicking to your lips.
“That’s… good t’know,” he said finally, and you smiled, unable to hold it back any longer.
“Did you do all this,” you gestured to his face and blood flecked shirt,” just to impress me?”
Glancing away he cleared his throat.  “Maybe.”
Gently turning his face back to you, you looked up at him.  “Next time, you don’t have to go to such lengths.  I already like you, Nathan, you don’t hafta… prove yourself in order t’get some sort of affection from me.”
He blinked, his mouth falling open, at a loss. 
Trailing your fingers from his jaw down to the zipper of his jacket, you balled the fabric in your fist, pulling him down to you.  “I was gunna kiss you either way, y’know,” you murmured before pulling him against you, your lips colliding and Nathan wasted no time pressing you back against the alley wall, his hand slipping round to cradle the back of your head as he kissed you back.
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border-spam · 4 years ago
Leech Lord - The writing’s on the wall
Here we go, folks. Heavy time. Big one.
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Tonight was just them, happy in the afterglow of laughter and far too much to drink. That calm quiet that falls with trusted company you can be at ease around. It was nice.
She'd assumed he felt the same way from the barely audible whistle of his breathing to her right. Figured that he was relaxing too, enjoying the dull heat of wine numbing his joints and their usual simmering pain. It was good, it felt right, until the peace was interrupted by the clink of his glass as he shifted, and the hoarse, strained whisper of -
" You're gonna leave one day, I know you will. I'll chase you away. You'll get sick of having to deal with me just l-like everyone does."
The groggy cloud behind her eyes dissipated instantly as his threat landed like ice-water, and she clumsily sat forward, wineglass dangling from her loose hand as she stared at him in confused disgust.
" What?... What are you talking about.”
“ Don't put that shit on me, Troy. Don't... don't even fucking dare try to drip feed that self hating poison into who I am. God, what is wrong with you? "
He didn't meet her eyes, still staring at the glass in his hands as he hunched in his seat, like he was about to crumble into himself. Looking somehow so much older and so much younger than she knew he was - like a child carrying the weight of the world. He mouthed something, then stopped. Started again, paused again. Reconsidering what he'd been about to say as his brows furrowed and lips tightened into a grimace.
Chasing what he wanted to express to her, grasping at it futilely, trying to find the right words and stumbling. Same self made snare as usual, tightening around his neck. The same trap he always set for himself, triggering as he stepped blindly towards it.
He sunk a little lower into himself as he wilted under her disgust, hair falling forward and blocking the shame burning across his face.
" I... I'm sorry, Sei. "
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By @godkingsanointed​
???: She just drives me fuckin crazy man! She just- UGHH 
??: She's like fire. 
???: Yeah, a hot headed little- 
??: NO. Can keep you warm, safe, give light to see by. But if you don't treat it with respect, it you think that's all it's for, try to contain it, you'll be burned. 
???: I don't think that's all...  I-I respect her!!!! I can't believe you're taking her side in this!" 
??: No sides. Just something to think about. 
???: Ughhh, screw this! 
(Sounds of a door slamming shut)            
(A few moments of silence) 
??: I know...He's gunna burn her out. All of us.  
(Ding of a voice message being received) 
???: Thanks. For listening. 
??: Ha..we got him thinking. 
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By @hieroglyphix​
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S: Wh- Ven?! what the fuck are you- how the fuck did you get in here? 
V: Aw c'mon Sei, is that any way to treat a guest? I get that you're a bigshot s-saint and all but c'mon-- 
S: Last time I checked, people who break into other people's houses are considered burglars, not guests- and get your fuckin' feet off my desk!
V: Hey now, just cause I broke in doesn't mean I stole anything. Im more of a buddy, paying you an....impromptu visit! Yeah! 
S: ( sigh ) God, forget the semantics of it all, what the hell do you want? 
V: It ain't about what I want, I came here 'cause of what you want. 
S: ...Pardon? Oh God, tell me this isn't some kind of-
V: Waitwaitwait it ain't like that, S-Sei, you know i don't run that way anyhow. I came because you need a s-sign. 
S: ...A sign. 
V: Yeah, a sign. s-see, I know what you're planning on doing, I've seen it all laid out in the path ahead of us. But you're draggin' your feet too damn long, and it's only gonna get worse from here. so Sei, listen to me, I'm your sign. Get the fuck out of here, and don't look back for nothin'. 
( silence )
S: So, let me get this straight. You broke into my house, just to....tell me to leave?
V: Well when you put it like that it doesn't sound super great, but...yeah.
( silence ) 
S: Who else knows about this? 
V: Only me, and I ain't about to rat on you. I don't blame you for wanting out, things....well, between you me and the floorboards, things ain't gonna get any better around here. 
S: ( deep sigh ) Good God... 
V: Look doll, I ain't here to force you into a decision, and I won't judge you for not leaving. I'm just tellin' you which way the wind's blowing. One friend to another. 
S: Right. 
( uncomfortable silence )
V: Well, you think on what I said. I've gotta get home to my brother, it's spaghetti night. 
S: Try not to let anyone see you on your way out, the last thing i need is more brainless gossip out on my hangar. 
V: Heh. Not like they caught me on the way in, not exactly the sharpest tools out there. Anyway, nighty night Sei.
( the maglock doors hiss open )
S: And Ven? 
V: Yeah? 
S: ...Thanks. 
V: Don't mention it. 
[end echo log]
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I’m just a bit shook up…” her voice cracks as she mutters. “He said some stupid shit tonight, bout how everyone leaves him and he knows it’s..” she sighs, letting her head drop to face the table with a weak shrug.
“Stupid as in.. it got to me. He ever say anything to you that’s just.. you know it’s off? I sometimes think it’s me..”
JK waited patiently, wanting to reach out and rest a hand on her shoulder but not quite knowing if that would overstep their tentative friendship as it formed.
“…that I’m going crazy and feeling things that aren’t real, overreacting…” she pauses, swiping her auburn hair back from her forehead, thumbing at her temple as she lets her eyes stare unfocused at the wall behind their shoulder.
JK grunts thoughtfully, then shakes their head a little, their mask tilting downwards as they rumble out a huff of air. “He’s… talking a lot more recently, yeah, bout things no one asked.”
They empty the bottle in a deep dreg, and lower it carefully to the table in front of them, spinning it slowly on its edge. “Like he’s replyin’ to a question that was never said, and he’s pissed about it. Gets snappy at nothin’. Gets angry at nothin’. I don’t say things, I just listen. He likes when you just listen, I think you know that too.”
She nods, watery eyes looking up at them through her thick eyelashes.
“It’s just, the thing’s he’s saying now, this last year?” JK glances to their side again, towards where Troy sleeps.
They turn back to Seifa and reach out then, touching a finger against her forearm as it rests against the table, happy to see she doesn’t flinch away even though she’s hurt too. Proud that though she’s struggling to hold back tears that swell along her lash-line, she’s still listening to them. Really listening, like what JK thinks matters.
“It’s the same kind of things axe-hands I knew in the clan would start to say before they’d go wrong. Harsh things to themselves, about themselves, about how others were seeing ‘em. I don’t like that kind of talk much either, I’ve seen where it goes. People start doing that and they aren’t themselves for much longer. Become the same thing they were worryin’ everyone already saw them as.”
They turn the bottle to its side, idly twirling it with their index finger, only the hollow grind of the glass on the table filling the silence.
“I’ve seen him goin’ the same way. Same way they did, and I don’t know how to stop it, I’m not good with..” they gesture at the bone-white mask still marked with that crumbling splash of old rust-red blood, pausing to collect their thoughts. “..Not good with talking the way it would help. Saw him hurt acolytes the last few months. He used to just grab, threaten…”.
Their leg bounces beneath the table, nerves firing haphazardly as they swallow down the frustration lodged between their teeth. “Now he grinds. Cracks their bones in that metal fist. Not enjoyin’ it, not laughin’, but doin’ it anyway. He smells like bitter antiseptic sometimes, and I think he’s takin’ things out on himself where he figures we won’t know, under the steel.”
“I don’t think he is well. Inside him. None of us are here, lady. We’re all broken a little, but we learn how to live with it. It’s that or die. He doesn’t know how to do it. We gotta…”
“… we gotta watch out for our brother”.
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By @godkingsanointed
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He'd dare let venom drip about Seifa around them, and Troy knew from the palpable atmosphere change that it wasn't going to be swept under the rug. He would have crumbled, he would have backtracked into sickening apologies, but after the grilling Tyreen had already given him? How helpless and powerless he already felt, child was the straw that broke him.
He span on his heels to face them, spinal implants flaring and eyes all cruel angles and rage. It only took one or two stalking steps for them to be at odds face to face, not that he was sure what he'd do when he got there.
"The fuck was that pal?" He seethed, letting jaw plates click and flicker. They didn't seem intimidated, too full of fury to even care.
"Ungrateful. Fucking. CHILD. She made you, made both of you. Without her, you'd be skag shit right now." They paused to look him up and down before continuing. "Instead of a shit eating skag."
His reaction was instant, flesh hand snapping forward to grab at the decorative chains around their neck he'd gifted them, pulling them close. "You fuckin-" he choked, mind clouded on what to do. He wanted to smash them to bits, he wanted to pull their fucking head off, but he had enough control yet to hesitate.
"If you wanna spar big man, let's go. You know the rules." They spat. They'd set out a few of them a couple of months back, not really thinking it would come to it, more so sharing a part of clan life so he felt included. Clan members could fight out frustrations, as long as it didn't go so far as to lose a body for raids or hunting. No using the prosthetic, no hitting Troys left side, no weapons. That was what they settled on, and now staring him down? They didn't like the idea of fighting him, of fighting any family. Never had. But if he refused to talk and instead was intent to act like this? They could find some satisfaction in landing a hit or two. 
Mention of that past conversation seemed to snap him out of it, hitting home just how far JK was willing to take this. They didn't care about title or siren status, as far as they where concerned this was a family matter. And as far gone as he was, Troy had no intention of full on brawling with family. He pushed them away as he let go, face burning in shame and frustration as he backed down. 
"Not worth my fucking time..." he mumbled, storming away and letting a metal fist impact a wall as he went,one final show of force.
They stayed put after he was gone, head tilted back and taking deep breaths as they steadied themself. Seifa...didn't need to know about this. She hardly needed defending and she'd scold them for almost coming to blows over a few nasty words but...They couldn't have just bitten their tongue either. 
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Ven - "I mean boss, have you considered ever actually thinking about what you want?" 
Troy - "..." Troy - "...Everything. All the time. I want e-everything. Everything. Everything I see, all the time. The way you love Eli, and the way he smiles at you and it's real 'cause he knows how to love, I want that."
Troy - "...I want it, and how Sei puts her arms around all of you and never me but she looks at me and I feel s-something but I don’t know how to say it in words, I want that."
Troy - "...I want Jak-Knife and the way their mask a-and their face - both of them are beautiful and better than anything I can pretend I see in a mirror and I want everything all the time, Ven, and I don't even know if it's me that's actually wanting."
Ven - "Right..." Ven  - "...Ok bud, so first of all, I'm going to get us some drinks..."
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By @godkingsanointed​
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-- Uroboros log - M0noli7h / S0litar3 prsnl e-dev com msg log //Private Line - SAVED-  blame=GKT -- Machina: So Adalphus is where you’re saying is the best bet.  Aurum: Simple logic. Close enough to Pandora for you to still perform your role, far enough from.. well. What you need to be far from.  Machina: Feels apt somehow, ending up wasting away on some off-world base. Never did belong here, huh. Aurum: A feeling I understand better than I’d like. Regardless of our personal opinions you’ve been one of the few colleagues I’d describe as competent, A’Rosk. It’s a reassurance to know you aren’t abandoning your position.  Machina: Mutual on that, Sol. Staying on isn’t by choice though. I’m sure you know that too. You remember Fragor.  Aurum: I remember what was left of her absolutely ruining a pair of Ausler dress shoes, yes. You’re going to be hounded. You know that. Machina: I know that, I’m just praying it will be gently. The Crusaders are under Troy, and Troy..  Machina: I Machina: I trust Troy
Aurum: That’s your prerogative, regardless of how stupid. Machina: Thanks, you nasty shit. So you’ll manage the fund movements once I’m out, keep the flow going to the accounts I gave you? Aurum: Yes, yes. Not exactly work deserving of my touch, mind you. Junkers leave residue. I prefer to keep my hands clean, Seifa. I’m sure you appreciate that, considering this deal.  Machina: Ohhhh absolutely. You scratch my back, I’ll stab yours.  Aurum: Cute. I’ll manage your assets this side, and my little history with those slag shipments to Elpis will remain off your people’s raidar. Machina: That they will. Solomon, much as it pains me to say this, it has been a pleasure. Thank you. For.. for everything.  Aurum: Not needed, Seifa. It’s just good business. [end log]
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hoplessdreamer9796 · 4 years ago
BTS 8th Member - Your Friends
Best Friends: Kim Hanbin (B.I from Ikon. (Pretend he’s still in Ikon and YG didn’t snake one of their best artists.) Your mothers are best friends and so when you moved to Korea, he was the only person you knew so you clung to each other. He was also one of your best friends through high school. He is your best friend and you both have always been there for each other. The both of you tried alcohol for the first time together, which you stole from his father’s liquor cabinet. Were there for each other’s first relationships and first heartbreaks. You were there for his parents’ divorce at 12 (I made this up idk if it’s true). You ditched classes and went to go sit on the roof of your apartment building to talk about your futures together. His aspirations for music and yours to live peacefully. In your friendship group he is the grandfather that clings to his youth. He hates any physical activities other than mountain hiking but loves going on nights out. You both even got matching tattoos as soon as it was legal, and it will be explained later. “You can’t push me away Y/N! So, get angry, scream and shout but I’m not going anywhere! I’m your best friend that shit doesn’t work on me!”) Park Shinhye (Despite your age difference you two are best friends, you consider each other sisters. Grew close because you both work in the entertainment industry but both don’t have girls around you, you by being in BTS and her by being an actress so when you both met at an award show soon after BTS debuted you clicked. You both were there for each other threw everything. She’s one of your best friends and you often have movie nights when you’re both free. She cried for you when BTS won a daesang for the first time, that moment went viral. BTS walked off the stage, and were still visible by fans but near backstage, and you two ran at each other like dramatic losers as she was crying more than you were and you were both shouting at each other to stop crying while continuing to hug. Fans love that moment and your friendship. She often states that you are her best friend both in this industry and in life. “I never really thought it was possible to connect to someone like that. But I honestly think that in another life we were sisters.”) Min Sooah (Best friend from high school is your secretary, for now, and is one of your pillars. You would not be able to function without her. There’s an ongoing joke that she is basically your mother, you worry her to no end. She is very grateful to you. After her father broke his hip and was not able to continue working, she had to drop out of university to go to work. You gave her the job as your secretary despite her not being qualified. You needed someone you trusted, and you knew she would work hard. Now she is one of the most important people in your company. She is the Dad of the group always complaining about how “I gave up my youth to look after you brats and none of you have time to spend with me? Okay I see how it is. Daehyun this is your influence on them!”) Ok Hwayoung (Best friend from high school now she is your personal shopper. After university she became a personal shopper, and you thanked the sky’s because she chooses all of your clothes to pack when traveling or when you have formal business meetings. You like buying clothes but you hate the process of shopping and trying things on, so you tell her what pieces you want, and she’ll get it. She also organises your wardrobe ‘cause she’s OCD like that. She also is a hopeless romantic and is constantly trying to talk you and Hangyeol into giving up your partying lifestyle because, “How are we supposed to have a group wedding if you don’t let yourselves find the ones you idiots?!”) Lee Hangyeol (Best friend from high school he owns a mechanics and auto repair shop and he is the only one you trust with you cars. He is also the only one of your best friends who encourages you attitude towards your love life as he is also not into committed relationships. You're both each other’s wingmen. You guys are basically the epitome of lads’ lads when around each other. You’re the loud, annoying people in a bar gassing each other up to chug your drinks down. Whenever one wants to go on a night out the other is always down. “Who needs a relationship? Tequila is just as good. Gives me a fun night and then when the fun wears off it give me a headache and regrets. That’s basically a relationship.”) Tae Daehyun (Best friend from high school he works as a pd on tv shows mainly running man. He was also on the track team back in high school. The two of you often go out on runs together. After seeing what the industry is like behind the camera, he worries a lot for you. Especially since he knows no matter how crappy you feel you’d rather down the nearest bottle of alcohol than talk about it. So, he always tries to let you know if you need to talk, he’s there. Also hates how much you and Hangyeol drink and always tries to make sure you guys eat a proper meal before going out and drinking. He’s also the one in your friend group who can be bothered to cook, he got so offended when he found out you hired a personal chef but then he tasted her food and is okay with it. He’s the Mum of the group. “What the hell is wrong with you all? You can’t throw a knife at the apple on his his head! Are you crazy? See this is what I have to deal with Sooah. But if you weren’t so busy working, you’d know that!”) Ryeo Chungae (Best friend from high school and she works on the public relations for your company. When she first joined your company, she always felt like she got the job because she’s your friend, but you wouldn’t have given her the job if you didn’t think she could do it. She went through a hard time when her boyfriend cheated on her with her old boss. Instead of being scared of falling in love again she wants love. Trying to convince you and Hangyeol that it’s is amazing when secretly she is glad that you won’t be able to get hurt. She is a pushover in all aspects of life except for work. When it comes to work, she is a force to be reckoned with. So instead of staying at her old job with her boss she resigned after making a scene about the boss sleeping with her boyfriend which got said boss fired. When she is with all of your friends, she is also very outspoken and opinionated. However, when it comes to people she isn’t comfortable with her anxiety acts up. You and all your friends are protective of her in situations where her anxiety gets bad. Her ideal life is a Hallmark movie. “One day I’m gunna meet the man of my dreams. He’s gunna be tall and handsome and most importantly he’ll take me away from all of you dumbass motherfuckers.”) Hak Daeho (Best friend from high school he works at Songsun’s shop as and is in charge of customising cars. He is the one that never wants to go out and always wants to stay home. He prefers a night in with his friends than at some stupid club where Y/N and Hangyeol ditch a half hour after arriving, most of the time. He doesn’t have the best relationship with his family after they found out he didn’t want to become a lawyer like his parents and siblings. His parents kicked him out and cut him off. Y/N payed for his college tuition even though he protested, you just said it was a loan and that he can pay you back someday. However, after he had been able to save up to pay you back you told him to shut up and buy a damn apartment which is what he did. Thanking the universes for his friends. He stayed in an apartment with Hwayoung, Daehyun and Chungae during college and no matter how many times he couldn’t pay rent his friends always had his back. It also helped that every time you visited you stocked the fridge and freezer. He thinks of you all as family more than he does of his own family. “You guys are a bunch of fucking idiots. Like you’re my family but damn you guys are stupid.”) Park Soomi (Best friend from high school. She is the most subscribed to female Korean youtuber with 11 million subscribers. She is also and ambassador for Jeonsa cosmetics although at first, she didn’t want to be as she felt like it would be using her friendship with you to her advantage. However, after you convinced her to accept, she did. You also knew that you could trust her since she has always been honest with you and never expects anything from you. You also knew that she would be advantageous for your company so it’s not like you’re just giving her money your promoting your company through her brand. After you explained this she reluctantly agreed. She is the loud, chaotic crackhead of the group. Constantly doing dumb shit. “Hey guys my pineapple was being difficult long story short we no longer have a microwave.”) Im Kyungmin (Best friend from high school, he is a part of Soul & Bones, a hip-hop and house dance crew. When you were younger all of your friends would go to his contests. Everything you learned about dancing you learned from watching that crew. You always loved the way their dancing looked and the atmosphere they created. But you were realistic with your situation knowing you’d never get to dance. When Bang pd wanted you to be a trainee you were hesitant, but he practically dragged you to that audition. And during trainee days he helped you with your dancing. He says your better than him now, but you know you’re not. Soon after you became a billionaire Soul & Bones were set to end. Their investor pulled out and most dance crews are under entertainment companies unlike soul & Bones. Kyungmin was devastated, Soul & Bones was his whole life. So, when you decided to fund it he was conflicted. On one hand he was thankful and on the other hand he was guilty. But after you told him what the crew meant to you, how you were also friends with everyone else in the crew and couldn’t let it end when you could do something about it he was on board. You however made it clear you don’t own Soul & Bones you just pay for things. Now it is considered the best hip-hop dance crew in Korea and one of the best in the world. He is the one in your group who seems high most of the time but isn’t. “I think that pizza is thinking shit about me... I’m gunna eat it not ‘cause I want to but because it needs to die!”) Close Friends: Mark Tuan (You met at a BTS and Got7 collaboration for and you both clicked immediately because you were both from western countries, you were both raised in similar cultures so you had become close friends easily. It is also less lonely when you both miss your home countries if you’re around each other. It was surprising because your personalities are the opposite, but you bring him out of his shell. Whenever you guys meet you always speak in English and it’s a relief for both of you since it is your first language no matter how long you’re in Korea. You both also relate on how different your home countries’ standards are compared to Korea in terms of public image, behaviour and many other things. It’s very easy to be your true selves around each other. ) Choi Youngjae (You guys are the same age so you clicked easily. Even though you’re closer to Mark you’re still close to Youngjae. The guy is literal sunshine it hard not to like him. There is also a group of idols born in 1996 who he is a part of.) BTS and Got7 are both close to each other so you are friendly with all the members. But you are the closest with Mark. Woo Jiho (Zico. You both met when BTS and Block B did a collaboration at mama. Namjoon and him knew each other but they weren’t that close, so it was unexpected when you and he hit it off. You are both close friends and hang out when you can. He often asks for your opinion with his music and the two of you once spent an entire night just messing around in the studio. He says that you are one of the only people to get him to take a break, when he’s in work mode, and to have some fun. Clubbing isn’t really his scene so you and Jaemin often have to beg him to go out drinking with you guys. He used to have feelings for you but after some time in the friendzone he realised he is okay with you not having feelings for him as long as you are in his life. No one knows about the feelings he had for you.) Lee Jaemin (A YouTuber who has 7 million subscribers. The two of you met through Jiho and got along very well because you both like alcohol and clubbing. However, he maintains a clean public image, so your company is fine with you being seen in public together. Your members aren’t very fond of him since the time he showed up at the dorm drunk looking for you and threw up in a plant. They think he is a bad influence, but you know what he was going through and know he’s a good person. He feels like he can be himself around you without feeling judged. Yoongi really hates him and the friendship you two have.) Kang Yujin (She is an Instagram model who has 18 million followers and 2 million subscribers on YouTube. She met you and Jiho through Jaemin. However, once the public found out about your friendship many thought she was using you in order to work with Jeonsa cosmetics. But you knew this wasn’t true. Yujin was the kind of person to drive to McDonald's for you at three in the morning when you had a nightmare about your father and wouldn’t tell her what it was about. The kind of person to kill spiders for you even though she’s scared of bugs too. And due to the public’s reaction, she was scared you would end up thinking the same of her. You told her how you knew what kind of person she was and in order to make a statement to the public you both posted a photo together on her Instagram announcing her endorsing your company. She is a very close friend and an older sister figure to you.) You, Zico, Jaemin and Yujin often go bowling together or go out to eat and are also drinking buddies you are very close to them. The four of you are often spotted in public together. Kang Seungyoon (You both met through Hanbin and both of your personalities go very well together. Musically you both also mesh very well together. You both also often play pool together and he gets triggered at how he’s played longer but you kick his ass at it. Whenever you both have the time you go out for food and drinks and spend all nigh playing pool and all night, he complains that you’re a cheater and he won’t stand for it. He’s a very good friend.) Kim Jisoo (You met her first, soon after they debuted, in the bathroom. The two of you clicked and then you met the rest of the group through her. It was easy to become friends with them due to BTS and Blackpink both being at the top of K-pop, so you were a lot more understanding of each other’s situations. She is a very close friend of yours and is an older sister figure to you. She always gets excited when you send her the new launches of Jeonsa cosmetics and does vlives talking about it.) Kim Jennie (Despite Jennie being introverted you charmed her during your first conversation. She found it very easy to talk to you despite being slightly nervous and you were her sunbae. She was surprised how easy it was to talk to you. You are a people person, and she is not so like most other extroverts she’s met she thought you would clash but surprisingly your personalities match very well. You bring out the fun in her.) Lalisa Manobal (Lisa. She looks up to you a lot in terms of your dancing. She is very clingy towards you when you meet, and you love her crackhead energy. You learnt to speak Thai early after BTS’ debut, this made Lisa feel like she could connect to you on a deeper level. You have also helped her with the racist side of K-pop, her being Thai and you being half Arabic you’re both no stranger to how harsh netizens are. As you have been going through it for longer than her you are able to comfort her (kind of because you’re emotionally stupid but you try and push that aside for your friend).) Park Chaeyoung (Rose. She was also born in a western country so when she met you it helped her feel less homesick. You both often talk about childhood TV shows together and relate to each other when people talk about Korean things from their childhood that you have no idea about. Even though you’re from different places it’s nice having someone who understands the difficulties of moving from western culture to eastern.) Kwon Jiyong (Gdragon. You guys met backstage at an award show when BTS and Bigbang met. The groups are casual with each other, but you and he became very close especially because you’re friends with many YG artists. You also both like to party a lot and often go out together. He views you as a very close friend and is often nagging at you to eat and rest properly You try and hang out whenever you both have time.) Matthew Kim (BM. You two met during an inkigayo. He got lost and was swearing in English. So, you approached him and asked in English if he was okay. You helped him find his way back to his dressing room. He knew who you were and that you were British as BTS was well known then. However, he was expecting you to be arrogant and was pleasantly surprised with how nice you were. You and he got along well as you have similar personalities. Both extroverted. The two of you also quickly found out about your shared love of partying and clubbing and now you often go out together.) Peniel Shin, Ashley Choi, Amber Liu, Stephanie Young Hwang (These are some of your other western born K-pop friends.) Red velvet (You are good friends with the group mainly Joy as you are the same age. You, them and Blackpink try to go out together when you can. Irene is also very protective over you and sees you like a little sister.) Park Chanyeol (You have very similar attitudes you were good acquaintances but then you both worked together on the Goblin ost (Pretend it was you instead of Punch p.s I love that song so fucking much.) He always tries convincing you to let him drive your cars and you always say no. He’s a very fun person and you guys have a good laugh together.) You’re friendly with the rest of the Exo members but the closest to Chanyeol. Your best friends are: Hanbin, Shinhye, and all of your friends from high school. However, you are still close with the rest of your friends.
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thewondersofsmut · 5 years ago
Happy Ending
Request: Hi sorry to bother u but can u do a deanxreader where reader has back pains and dean offers to give her a massage, and he sits on her lower back/butt area and it turns into something more. Thanks! I understand if u can't write it b/c u prob get a Lotta requests. – Anon
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Warnings: language, smut
Word Count: 1873
A/N: I’m back! And Im posting a few fics today! Feedback is loved!
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“Son of a bitch,” You groaned, pressing your free hand to your lower back, and swinging your machete to your other shoulder. “You good there, (y/n)?” You looked up to Dean, dragging the vampire’s dead body to the pile. “Peachy.” You faked a smile. Dean couldn’t stop his body from reacting to the noises you elicited, his hips jerking forward. “What’s up?” He asked, being better at expressing his feelings of concern towards you, not that he didn’t care, he always assumed that getting too close to you could cost your life, but you had quickly proven that trusting and expressing to each other would be good, considering that you’ve saved his life multiple times. 
“Just some back ache, comes with aging,” You joked, making him chuckle. “We should head back, Sammy’s gunna need meds, I promised to pick some up for him.” Your voice sounded hoarse. “I think we should get something for you, maybe some muscle patches too?” Dean suggested, shrugging. You couldn’t help but smile. He’s gotten better at showing he cared, a lot. It also helps that you know of his tiny crush on you. More like large, according to Sam, ever since your first encounter with them as you saved them. “Yeah, he hasn’t gotten sick in a while.” Dean affirmed and you both trotted to baby after setting the bodies aflame. 
Dean always glanced at you as a whine escapes your parted lips, your hand trying to alleviate pressure from your back as you sat. You promptly twisted your upper body, grounding your feet and you heard the satisfying cracklings of your spine. You did it on the opposite side and you side, a little bit of the pain leaving your body. “Holy shit, (y/n), is that even safe?” He asked, stunned. You giggled, another sound he loved to hear. “It helps.” You winked and he chuckled, focusing on the road once again.
You had dropped by the pharmacy, got a lot of necessities, medicine, and first aid and all that to stock up the bunker, your new found home. After Dean getting a slice of pie, you were both heading back. 
You and Dean brought all your stuff inside and Sam was in the library, on his laptop with a blanket draped around his back. “Hey Sammy,” You greeted, acquiring Dean’s nickname for him early on. You were two years older than him and he’d looked up to you as a sister, even though he still found himself being like an ‘over protective brother’ to you too. “Hey guys, how was the hunt?” He asked. “Totally good.” You replied, your smile turning sour when you bent down to put your bag down. “Are you hurt?” Sam immediately asked, pushing his chair back to stand up.
“No—no, I must’ve pulled something in my back, just gettin’ old,” You joked and he chuckled. 
“You’re not old.” Dean snickered, playfully rolling his eyes. “Feels like it.” You scrunched your face and the brothers laughed. “I’m going to shower.” You announced and Dean decided to make soup for the three of you, most especially his sick brother. “You’re ogling her.” Sam teased, smirking at his brother. Dean scoffed. “Am not.” “If you say so.” Sam teased and Dean ran for the kitchen. 
After letting hot water run down the expanse of your back for another minute, you stepped out of the shower, wiping down your whole body, putting on some loose jumper and some shorts. You went back to the library just as Dean was bringing a bowl of hot soup to Sam, who thanked him. “Eat up, sweetheart, this should help you too.” He grinned you murmured a thank you, before sitting down. “I think you two should rest and the three of us can do a case once you’re all better.” You said.
Sam smiled. “Don’t you like hunting with me? Like we used to back when Sam was in Stanford?” Dean pouted and you thought that was the cutest thing ever. You giggled and Sam’s smile grew wide. “I do, Dean, but I’m having issues with my back, and I know you’re pretty beaten up too, a couple of days isn’t gunna hurt.” You smiled and his pout went away. “How ‘bout I make pie tomorrow for us to enjoy?” You asked and he grinned. “Bribery accepted.” He hummed and you and the younger Winchester chuckled. 
After the light dinner, you helped Sam out in the translation he was well occupying himself whilst being sick as Dean offered to clean up. The hours ticked by fast, Sam heavily asleep with the medication he’d taken. You were doing a bit of stretching when Dean passed by your bedroom. He arched an eyebrow, his eyes slowly looking at the expanse of your legs and the exposed skin by your hips with the jumper hanging low. “You okay there, sweetheart?” Dean asked and you looked up at him. You groaned and stood up. “Just, it’s either my spine’s all fucked up for I have a ton of knots in my back, like those wired earphones.” You scoffed and Dean laugh. 
“Would you like me to give you a massage?” His tone had no malice but your brain went to multiple directions. “Yes,” You voiced out before you actually thought of it. You bit your lip and he just gave you a soft smile, entering your room then closing the door behind him. You took off your jumper to reveal a slim bralette you like to wear to sleep. 
Dean tried his best not to groan at the sight, it wasn’t the first time he saw you in your underwear, heck, he’d accidentally seen you naked before, as you did to him. “I think I’ve got oil somewhere here,” Your voice cut out his incoherent thoughts and just nodded. You fished it out of your drawer and handed it to him before laying on your stomach on the bed. “’S it okay for me to sit on you?” He asked and you hummed in approval. He did as he suggested, sitting and trying not to put too much weight on your plump ass. 
Dean poured a little bit of oil on your back, glistening in the light and he began to press his thumb on your muscles. You tried to bite back a moan but was unsuccessful. He could feel himself twitch at the sound but powered through, going lower on your back until he was massaging the small area between your ass and lower back, squeezing your hips. His hands felt soft despite having rough and calloused edges. The sheets in front of you were bunched up in your fists and you knew you were getting wetter as the seconds passed. 
Dean’s hands were going up and down each arm and then back on your shoulders, your neck, then they slowly descended down to your waist. “Fuck, Dean.” You breathed and Dean jolted. He sucked in some air as if gathering some courage and descended to your ass, cupping and squeezing them. He moved towards your legs and started to massage your thighs and legs. “Tell me to stop if you don’t want this, (y/n).” When he was coming back up to squeeze your backside.
“Fuck, yes, continue.” You shivered at his tone and mumbled against the pillow and he chuckled darkly at how you’re reacting to his touches. His hands continued to massage your body but he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on the valley of your shoulder and neck and you moaned, body tingling. You pushed back on your ass, Dean groaning as you brushed against his hardening length. “Fuck, baby.” He shut his eyes, his breath hot on your neck. It spurred you on, grinding up to him and his free hand lands on your hips, tight and warningly. 
“Fuck me, Dean.” You whispered, leaning up towards the side where his face was. You moved your head more towards him and he kissed you feverishly. He sat back up, prying your legs open with his hands, this time, slowly running his fingers over your cloth-covered core, your hips bucking in response. Dean hooked his fingers on the waistband of your shorts and underwear, slowly stripping the pieces of clothing off of you, your ass slightly bouncing when it went over them and Dean but his lip, one of his hands grabbing a handful and squeezing. You lifted your hips up and brought your hands up to shimmy off your shorts since Dean got mildly distracted. 
He squeezed your inner thigh and you instinctively tried to close them if not for his strong knees stopping them from moving. His fingers ran through your folds teasing your entrance and you couldn’t help but mewl. Dean clenched his jaw and pulled off his shirt. He then worked on your pants and you had to look back, meeting his eyes as you roamed his body. He gave you a boyish smirk and you swore you could come just by that. “You really want this, (y/n)...?” He whispered, leaning down to kiss your back, making you shiver, feeling his cock press against your ass. 
“Heck yeah, would’ve asked you to massage me a long ass time ago if I knew this would happen.” Your voice was breathy as he started to grind his hips against yours. “Shit, babygirl, wish I’d known, would’ve done it sooner.” He whispered, nibbling on your earlobe, making you wetter by the second. He slowly pushed in, groaning at your tightness. “Fuck.” You pushed back, whimpering when his free hand grabbed your hips and thrusting in fully. “Dean!” You moaned. 
He let you adjust before pulling back and slamming back in. “You’re so tight, baby.” He whispered, kissing your  cheek. “Fuck me, Dean, please.” “Will do, babygirl.” He grunted and proceeded to pound you. Your moans and his grunts were echoing along the walls and you only hoped Sam was snoring away loud enough not to hear you. You were fisting the sheets in your hands as your hips bucked back to him. His thrusts were fast and erratic and soon enough, it was uneven yet hard enough to make you scream. “Fuck, (y/n), coming—“ He grunted. “Fuck!” You screamed. He felt you clench around his throbbing cock. 
“Come for me, babygirl.” He whispered against your ear and you did, moaning out his name along with a string of profanities. He groaned, feeling overwhelmed with your tightness and just as you backed your hip up to him, he came, spilling deeply inside of you. He rode out both your orgasms and slowly lifted himself off of you. You twisted around to lay on your back and he leaned down, kissing you fully. “Are you satisfied with your massage?” He asked with a cocky smirk. You laughed, slapping his chest. “You gotta answer it, (y/n)!” He laughed. “Yes, Dean, it was a very very satisfying happy ending.” You answered with a wink, prompting him to laugh even more. 
He leaned down and pecked your lips. “Well that leaves the question, will we finally be together?” He asked. You heart swelled as you leaned up, kissing him tenderly. “Absolutely.” You whispered. 
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Forever Babies:
@incorrect-quoted​ @deviljoonie​ @sallyp-53​ @ilovefanfic86​ @andkatiethings​  @malindacath​ @aunty-peggy​ @myloveofdean​ @miss-kristendior​ @baby7879​ @xtina2191​ @redsalv20​ @hobby27​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @jensens-snackles​ @akshi8278​ @shadowkat-83​ @onethirstyunicorn​ 
Green-Eyed Lovers:
@brindz30​ @polina-93​
SPN Babes:
@adoptdontshoppets​ @lilulo-12​ 
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revelaare · 4 years ago
Shit said in the Crimson Discord & VC, taken out of context part 2, (the sequel)
Big NSFW warning, probably
his meat slid off and then slid right back on
[PRONOUN] can punch me in my uterus and make a hammock out of my ovaries
it’s one of the worst fucking things i’ve ever heard, and i’ve heard someone literally shit their pants
they tagged me and my ass clenched
this man just said “I want to eat ur ass and then kiss you” ok buddy
a man with a plan
my grandpa is texting his hoes from his flip phone
god my lawyer was a hit but idk if she will be the chosen one or not
hello give me your toenails
i'll touch you in a non-weird way
he was in that movie with the people, he was the human.
i want her to brush my hair
If we have dick glasses they have to be of the highest quality for the best experience
i don't wanna watch that white nonsense
i would throat him like a fine wine
these millenials can't live without ac? back in my day we lived on the sun
yall better put those goats on a wheel, tell them to start running
he looks like a bitch
yes or no, u wud punch the light bulb out of thomas edisons wrinkly pruned hand and asked him if he believed in god
still has skin and a working body
i needed to wait until my voice changes
you thought i was snacking on joe biden’s savory meat stick
barack guckin oglizzy, oguckma, barack osugma, Joe choden, OglchnnngggHHHYynnUUUnnghhma
why did i have a dream that i was taking the lid off my car
false gods require wine, real gods require coochiefice
fettucine wet ass pussy
that was all you sent me. the picture of a raccoon and then nothing
it isn’t hate, it is ‘continuously let down by’.
i never went to school who science
i’m gunna go peer pressure my mum into a shot
thank you for furthering my career at hot topic
i will suck the ingrown hair off of him
it has huge jackman in it
i chomped on this eggshell, got my calcium in for the day
i will take you to touch the mango
i want to see all the big things
[PRONOUN] has collar bones so deep you could hook a clothing hanger into it
no asscheeks in fucking family chat you animals
he will eat you alive and suck out your intestines like its a spaghetti noodle
[NAMES]’s Tiggle Biddie’s
dropped acid, cried the whole night.
my stomach is hooping and hollering, i’m about to eat some sleep
you want my throatsac ??
please dont know me as the toenail eater
you have to keep the skin on one side while you eat the other, thats basic mango physics
i mean he is some good sasuage
calm down dick Hannibal
respectfully, what the fuck is this
tbf i only eat my steaks where they need tampons
you committed acts of culinary terrorism
does your refrigerator whimper and cower in the corner when you approach it. that's your fridge trying to use echo location to locate a safe space
i almost met Jesus, I almost got an autograph. Almost got a greatest hits signed album.
respectfully, are you smoking fucking crack?
my left testicle could play better than you
i’ll eat him with ketchup
son of a biscuit eating bulldog!
now it’s back to me sucking, all is right in the world.
holy fuck weasels.
holy fuck, weasels!
why does the bad guy look like the Statue of Liberty?
this is a man that sometimes willingly dresses like a lumberjack
and me, being an emotional cripple, must make jokes about this.
hey my name is [NAME] i'm **definitely** who i say i am
[NAME OR PRONOUN] offered a back massage by calling it the “tickle thing”
i love a man who puts his parents in a nursing home.
my brain is going to take a hot shower
wait have u seen steve harvey's coochie
if it were me i would simply not be pregnant
look im not about to be out here saying i love [NAME OR PRONOUN] feet, but i am about to be out here saying that their feet are some of the nicest feet i've seen in a long time
i named my cloyster renesmee
[NAME] was texting me from the bathtub
you’re pregnant? That’s unfortunate.
do I say dumb shit? Perhaps. Do I take ownership? Perhaps.
i pay for things in blissful ignorance
i am an emotional vagrant
i am an emotional fragrance
to make a long motherfucking story short...
this enchilada tastes like asshole and sadness
you are not an ugly bitch, you’re just a bitch
that’s not a nut shot, buddy.
i’m sad because i sucked the meat off of this pumpkin spice latte
i want to make a blanket out of his eyebrows
what are you disgracing my Christian eyes for?
he be looking at that dick like why does it go so much to the left?
I want her to record an audio book for me so I can fall asleep listening to her voice.
Can I lick you like an ice cream cone? Asking for science.
like you're out to lunch with your bromie and you're eating some rubens or something and you wistfully look over the rim of your sunglasses and just: You ever buss 2 fast
my accent is flaccid
timotay chalamaymay’s sweet ass
on the bright side mcallister’s gave me 3 pickle spears. Almost enough to make a whole pickle.
you think they came from the same mommy pickle?
i thot that meant [NAME] wanted to...doodle his noodle
i don’t use commas, i don't respect u enough, fuck ur reading comprehension.
does australia have seasons
i want someone to embalm my body with mcdonalds sprite
his hermione grangina
purrrr my last email
its lore locked beneath 30 layers. u can only understand it if uve had a near death experience
i wanna have the heart of a stoner
his man titties look like little tattooed pillows
there were no cheeks to shake. nothing to clap. no noise to be had from her literal slices of wonderbread
u ever just fuck around and ur tits fart
put a lil mint leaf on it for authenticity
alright brother god bless may u be fertile
i feel like im being advocated for something i shouldnt be advocating for
and i am adam with my fat pendulous balls lol
i’m making whuppie with whoopie godberg
theodore tits fart rex
yeah man do u also have the third toe on ur shoulder
the green spaghetti monster is coming for me and i can't blame him
today i learned starfish do not poop
that was nothing compared to some other things I saw
listen I'd willingly watch [NAME/PRONOUN] in a cell for 24 hours. Imagine that sounded less creepy
i'd lick a dirty flip flop off her abs
i’m tempted to show you all the gravity defining boobs, maybe tomorrow
my brain is on vacation
good morning! i ate breakfast and im ready to go to bed
tape the titty in
ive unironically had nightmares with [NAME] in them
the peanut in the auditory canal
so far this feel all comfortable, does this all make sense?
i know it's kind of a schlep to get through
nail polish or no nail polish for the shower?
and then he saw those big tt honkerz... and it all went down hill from there
can y’all stop chanting curses in the chat my furniture is stuck on the ceiling
in Russia this is not ok 
i can’t buy pants here on Sunday either
imagine me going up to [NAME/PRONOUN] and being like i love the way ur flesh smells
in a supermarket. The sickly blue light where humans congregate. Animal human masses. Nameless faces. Whole lives boiled into generalized categories like "asshole who definitely does need 4 boxes of cheerios". Yout hink and realize while stabding in line u didnt grab the bag of frozen peas...but its 2 late
its truly the only picture that gives me pure joy
are weasels real
my work mum just messaged me the phrase "use your booty call wisely" with no context
"let's bring u to the mustache chair"
If you’re not doing coke under the coke sign what is the point?
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
A Tale as Old as Time? Part 9!!
2 weeks. 2 weeks since Harry rescued me. And now school was starting again. And I still can't talk. But on the plus side, Harry is now in all my classes. I can't be separated from him, cuz I'll start stressing out. I mean if he's going to shower or use the bathroom I can sit outside the door. Oh Harry's sisters are now going to the school.
Harriet being his older sister, and CJ being the youngest. Even though Harriet is technically too old to be going here, Fairy Godmother is letting her. They are very kind to me. 
Oh yea, Fairy Godmother suggested we learn Sign Language, and told us we could find our teacher at the docks. So yeah, turns out it was a mermaid who is very close with Ariel. And she's deaf. But after a week of visiting her everyday and learning Sign Language, Harry and I have another way of communicating.
So here we are, at lunch. We sat with Uma, Gil, Harriet, and CJ. It was nice. That was until Audrey walked over.
"Well well well. If it isn't the pirate losers and their broken princess. How many times has she been kidnapped now? 3? Geez. Wh-" suddenly Audrey stopped talking.
I took a peek in her direction and I saw Chad had slapped her. 
"Don't ever talk about my sister like that again! She's been through a lot, she can't even talk! You know this Audrey! Why would you try to make her feel like shit?!" Chad snarled, glaring at Audrey.
I looked over at Harry and signed to him. 'Can you get Chad to calm down? I don't want him getting in trouble.'
Harry nodded and carefully stood up and whispered into Chad's ear and Chad calmed down and sat down next to us. Audrey humphed and stomped away. Harry sat back down, pulling me close to him.
I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder as I ate my tater tots. 
"How is she?" Uma asked, I didn't pay too much mind, I was enjoying my tots.
"She's doin ok. She still can't talk but that doesn't seem to bother 'er. We learned sign language. And she still likes to "borrow" me hook." Harry explained, kissing the top of my head as I smirked.
Yes, I enjoyed "borrowing" my boyfriend's hook. I can't help it. It's fun!
I squeaked, though Harry knew that squeak meant I was giggling.
"Ye find that funny don't ye?" Harry teased, causing me to nod as I held up the hook.
I mimicked his threatening glare while holding up the hook.
"Scare ye? But that's my speciality!" Harry exclaimed, I moved my mouth to match the words. 
Gil, Uma, and Chad all laughed and I smiled. Sitting back down, I ate another tot.
The bell rang. I frowned and pulled out a baggie and placed the rest of my tots, and all of Harry's tots into it and placed it in my bag. I pulled out my camera and smiled at Harry.
"Yep. Let's head to your photography class." Harry exclaimed, and we headed to my class.
Once there we headed inside, I pulled out my scrapbook. Flipping through the pages, my first day at Auradon, Me and Chad, a few birthdays, the day the original VKs, Ben's coronation, Cotillion, with a single picture of octo-Uma, Jane's birthday, though there wasn't much, Harry had asked me about that and I told him that I got hit by Audrey's spell, then pictures from Harry's first day at Auradon, and just pictures of us.
I pulled out my most recent photos, from Christmas, and some group pics of all of us. Harry watched as I put my photos into the next page of my scrapbook. I added some stickers, that were Christmas themed, pirate themed, and a bit of glass slipper themed.
"Luna, how is your scrapbook coming along?" My teacher asked me.
I look over at Harry and began to sign to him. 'It is coming along great! I am almost done with these few pages!'
"The lass says it's comin along great and that she's almost done with these few pages." Harry explained.
"That's wonderful! I cannot wait to see them!" She exclaimed smiling at us before walking to the other students.
I smiled happily as I went back to my scrapbook. After a few minutes I stopped and grabbed Harry's hand and just sat there. He understood what was wrong, I was having an anxiety attack. A bad one. Harry understood though.
He kept rubbing his thumbs along the back of my hands. Which helped me slowly get out of my attack. I blinked up at him and smiled as I carefully took my hands out of his and signed to him. 'Thank you Hooky!' I smiled happily as I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. 
He smirked and hugged me to his side, kissing my head. "I love ye mah Cindy." He exclaimed with a smirk.
I squeaked, trying to giggle, and kissed Harry's cheek and signed, 'I love you too my pirate Harry!'
The bell rang, so I packed up and Harry walked me to our dorm. He smiled at me.
"Okay love, I have to go to history of pirates and wood now lassie. Chad should be in the room. If ya need me text me, sound good?" Harry explained, raising an eyebrow.
I smiled and nodded, kissing his cheek before I opened the door and walked into the dorm room. As Harry had said, Chad was sitting on my couch trying to do his science homework.
I dropped my stuff, closed the door and threw my small throwing pillow at him. He shrieked and looked over at me.
"Oh Hey sis! I'm trying to get this chem homework done. It's incredibly difficult! Did you finish it?" Chad asked, causing me to roll my eyes as I held up my completed chem homework.
His eyes lit up as he stumbled over to me. "So could I maybe get some help? Pleaseeeee!" Chad begged me.
I squeaked, trying to giggle. I walk over to the couch, open up my brother's laptop, and go onto FaeTube, and yep found a video that could help him.
He chuckled nervously. "Right, I forgot I could just watch a video on FaeTube. Thanks sis!" Chad hugged me.
I smiled and walked back to my bed, grabbing my Nintendo™ Switch, plopping down on my bed, and playing Pokemon™ Sword. I smiled, loving my team. 
I got so into my game I didn't notice Gil, Uma, and Harry coming in to the room. Until I heard my name. Looking up I smiled and sat my switch down before running over to Harry and hugging him.
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me close. "Miss me that much? Were ye playin that Pokemon™ game? Haven't ye almost beaten it?" Harry asked me.
I smiled happily and ran over to my game showing him my Eternatus. A legendary dragon that I had to fight then catch.
"I see ye named it…..  Super Dragon!" Harry chuckled. 
I shook my head and pointed at the name. That's when Harry realized it. "Oh, Super Dargon. But lass, why Dargon?" Harry asked, a confused expression on his face.
I squeaked and smiled at him, pulling out my phone I typed my message and showed him.
'Because it's cool!'
Harry chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "Well ye are lucky. Ye get the rest of the day off. While the three of us have been set in charge of setting up the talent show." He groaned.
I squeaked, covering my mouth to hide the giggle squeak. Harry glared at me before kissing my head.
(The talent show is gunna be something! *evil laugh* did i say this part was gunna be innocent? I lied)
The next few days flew by. And it's now the talent show!
Ok so I'm one of four judges for the talent show. It's me, Jane, Carlos, and Gil. Im sat next to Gil. Harry sat in the audience seat closest to me. I look at the list of contestants, though one name kept blurring up for me. Weird.
"Ok, First up is… Dude?" Carlos read out, and yep, Dude walked to the middle of the stage.
Carlos facepalmed so hard just now. Trying to hold in my squeak of a laughter. 
"Ahem. Hello everyone. I'm Dude, and I like Belly scratches and hanging out with Carlos." Dude stated, causing the entire auditorium to burst out into claps, cheering, and laughter.
Carlos whistled for Dude to come to him, which Dude happily jumped down and trotted over to Carlos.
Next was Celia, doing a couple card tricks, and then Dizzy created some jewelry pieces. Next up was…. Ughhh
I held my head a bit, my hair flaming up a bit. Harry squeezed my hand, becoming concerned. I smiled and waved him off, letting him know I was fine. 
"Next up is inaudible." Carlos stated, I lifted an eyebrow. Who?
I looked up at the stage, and squinted, pushing up my glasses. Their face is blurry, why is that?
Music? Why is it so hypnotic?? Hmmmm.
3rd person POV~~~~
The room froze, all but three people knew what was going on, but only two were able to move.
Rayla, Rasputin's daughter smirked as she hopped off the stage, walking straight over to a completely entranced Cindy. Harry tried to stop her but couldn't move at all. Rayla just smiled, walking over to him and placing a kiss to his cheek.
"Don't worry my love, this will all be over soon. Barla! Let's go! Come now sweet Cindy!" Rayla called out. A female white bat saluted and flew over to Rayla's shoulder as Cindy got up and followed her, a smile on her face, her ember necklace left on the table.
Harry watched in fear as they disappeared from the room. A few minutes later the room unfroze and everyone looked around concerned. Harry grabbed Cindy's ember and glared at the door.
"Harry? Where's Cindy? What happened?" Jane asked. 
Before he could answer, Chad, Uma, Gil, and All the Vks were around him too all asking him the same questions. He clutched the necklace.
"EVERYONE SHUD UP!!!" Harry shouted, causing everyone to stop.
"Rayla, the girl tha was singin. She took my lass. Now I remember! Tha's Rasputin's daughter! Remember Uma, she kept tryin ta join our crew. Just so she could get closer ta me." Harry explained, his accent thick.
"What is she gunna do to her???" Chad questioned, worried.
"I have a bad feeling I know what. Remember the story of Rasputin and Anastasia? He kept making her have dreams and a couple of times almost made her suicide jump." Gil stated, getting smacked in the head by both Uma's hand and Harry's hand.
"Ow! What was that for?" Gil asked, rubbing his head.
"Now you've gone and scared them. Come on let's head to my room and come up with a search plan. Mal get Ben and Fairy Godmother and tell them what's going on. We need to lock down the campus." Uma began to order.
Mal nodded and headed off towards Ben's office. The rest headed towards Uma's room.
Uma and Harry walked side by side. She nudged his shoulder. "Hey, ya know. There's only 5 more months left of school. When are ya thinking about popping the question?"
Harry frowned, pulling out a little black velvet box. Opening it up to reveal a custom ring, with gemstone in the shape of a hook and slipper. An engagement ring.
"I'm not sure." 
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soft-baby-dobrik · 6 years ago
hi // david dobrik
a/n: YALL IM GUNNA PUNCH MYSELF HE’S SO FUCKING CUTE IM eMOTIONAL. but yaaahhh thank you all for the love and feedback of what i’ve been writing so far :’) it means so much.
summary: you and david live on opposite coasts and have been flirting and texting and facetiming for about two months and the vlog squad flies you out.
requests are open
follow my instagram (david page) <3
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Nothing that has happened in the last few months was planned. Not one single bit of it. It was definitely a hope, but never seemed realistic. Commenting on David’s photos was routine for you, and mostly, it was dumb things like “punch me in the face” or “why haven’t you married me yet.” When David liked your comment and then followed you, speechless was an understatement. And to make things even crazier, he dmed you, saying, “when are you free for that wedding.” That had you speechless and then unable to find a breath. You typed a reply and that was just the beginning of this online relationship. As time went on, David added you on snapchat and then gave his number. At the beginning, you would refresh your instagram over and over again in hopes of him replying quickly. Then, it turned into David facetiming you at random times, sometimes even 3 am for you, 12 am for him. It wasn’t exactly a secret, but it wasn’t broadcast either. So, when other members of the vlog squad began to follow you, you were honored and a little puzzled. 
Before you knew it, you were placed in a group dm with some of them. They messaged you and asked if you were David’s mystery girl. Unsure of what to say, you texted David and asked what was going on.
you: umm, you friends have me in a groupchat on instagram and asked if am the mystery girl? what do i say
Not even thirty seconds later, your phone dinged with a response.
david: how did they find out? i mean, you’re not a secret, so you can say yes before they start dming random other girls haha
With David’s permission, you typed back in the group message and said yes. Next thing you knew, your phone began to blow up. Kristin complimented you, saying you were beautiful and a couple other compliments were sent your way from Corinna and Zane. As you were texting back, another message popped up from Scotty, saying, “What would you say to us flying you out to meet David?” Shock was too less of a degree to be used to describe your reaction. Without any hesitation, you typed a response, asking if he was serious. Next thing you knew, you were giving your phone number and received a facetime call. It was Scotty and Kristin behind the phone number calling you.
“Hey!” Scotty smiled.
“Hi,” you greeted, waving.
“So you’re David’s mystery girl that has him giggling when on his phone and smiling like crazy?” Scotty questioned as Kristin awed.
“I hope so!” you smiled, feeling warmth rise to your cheeks at the affect you left on David.
“I mean he didn’t give us much information, but you’re one of the few people he follows that none of us knew, so we took a guess. Anyway,” Scotty paused to look over at Kristin. “We were thinking of surprising David by flying you out here to meet him.” Scotty’s attention turned back to you as began to panic slightly.
“I don’t know, honestly, texting and facetiming is a lot different than meeting in real life,” you nervously admitted.
“I know, but trust me, David is all googly eyed for you and is all happy and giggly now, so you have to come!” Kristin chimed in. This was crazy, but so was everything else that’s occurred these past couple months.
“I mean, this doesn’t happen everyday, so I guess,” you said, then continued, “I’d love to,” with more confidence. Scotty and Kristen both cheered and smiled.
“When could you?” Scotty asked as he paused you. “I’m looking up plane tickets now.”
“Where do you live?” Kristen asked as you could hear Scotty typing. You told them where you lived and were thinking on the best day to leave. Not only would you have to notify work, but would have to miss some classes, and tell your parents your crazy predicament. 
“Next week?” you said before changing your mind. “No, the further away it is, the harder it’ll be to keep from him, like maybe in two or three days?” you said more questioningly. 
“That sounds good. I’ll book your flight for Tuesday at eleven A.M.,” Scotty said before returning to the facetime screen.
“This is so crazy,” you whispered, shaking your head. “I can’t believe this is happening. Thank you.” 
“It’ll be good for David,” Scotty grinned. 
“He’s so busy, him flying there would be hard, so why not bring you to him?” Kristin said and then cheered because you were coming. 
“Thank you so much,” you thanked again.
“We’ll see you Tuesday at the airport!” Scotty said, before him and Kristin both waved you goodbye. After they hung up, your screen returned to your notifications to see David had texted you four times.
david: what are they saying?
david: please tell me they aren’t being idiots
david: babbbbbeeeeee
david: i wanna facetime
You couldn’t help but laugh at his texts. He was truly adorable. Then, it finally hit you. In less that 72 hours, you would be there, with David in person. Feeling giddy inside, you happily clicked the facetime button. David’s smiling face was put on your screen and you squealed in happiness.
“Hey!” you grinned.
“Hey, cutie, why are you so happy?” he laughed as his fingers ran through your hair. Less than 72 hours and you could do that.
“Just life,” you responded, trying to tone down your excitement.
“What about it?” he asked.
“Things are just so good and I mean somehow, you noticed me and now you’re talking to me and you’re being all nice and flirty and life is just crazy and good,” you rambled out, leaving David with a big smile. 
“You’re so cute,” he laughed. “I don’t think you realize that I’m lucky too. You’re so cute and precious, like my life is pretty good with you in it now.” David sighed, “I just really want to meet you. I want to soon, I just have so much going on.” His lips became pouty after finishing his words. Biting down on your lip, you tried to contain your smile, so David wouldn’t suspect anything odd.
“We will soon,” you replied, looking as David seemed a little bummed.
“Not soon enough,” he mumbled.
Shortly after, you told David you had to go get ready for work, but in reality, you went to talk to your parents about everything. It took some convincing, but finally your parents agreed. For the next three days, you distanced yourself from David slightly since you were scared your excitement would cause you to say something or let something slip out to then ruin the surprise. David noticed and had asked, but you promised that it was just because you were busy with work and family stuff. He said he believed you, but seemed a little off still.
Finally, the day had arrived. Your parents were dropping you off, still a little weary of letting you go off to California with people they had never truly met, even though Scotty and Kristin talked to your parents through facetime. They hugged you goodbye, and you started your adventure. Waiting for you flight to board, David texted you, yet again asking to facetime. Your heart hurt a little since you had to decline the offer. If you called and he heard anything, it would ruin the whole surprise. You typed a quick reply before your flight was called for boarding.
you: babe, i’m sorry, i promise i’ll call you later, but i gotta go.
david: okay :(
A feeling of guilt hit your heart as you took your seat. Sending one final text, to David and then turning on your airplane mode:
you: david, it’ll be worth the wait i promise <3
With your last text, you plugged in your headphones and closed your eyes, preparing for the flight to California, to then meet David.
Your flight landed easily and you called Scotty as you exited the plane. 
“Hey!” Scotty chirped over the phone.
“I’m here!” you exclaimed through the phone. Scotty laughing could be heard through the phone.
“Okay, Kristin and I are here right now too. We’ll be in the pickup area,” Scotty replied and Kristin being her cute self, cheered in the background. “Just call me if you need anything or need help,” he added, before you both said goodbye. Hurriedly, you claimed your baggage and rushed towards the pickup area, Scotty and Kristin stood with a sign that said “y/n aka David’s girl,” causing you to giggle. You rushed over to them and Kristin leaned in to give you a hug, and you happily hugged her. 
“Thank you so much!” you smiled again as you and Kristin pulled away. Scotty gave you a side hug.
“Thank you for actually coming,” Kristin smiled, kindly. You all headed towards Scott’s car and he propped his camera up on the dashboard.
“Hi guys!” Scotty greeted into the camera. “I’m here today with girlfwiend Kwisten and David’s soon to be girlfwiend, y/n,” Scotty joked into the camera as he began to drive. You waved to the camera and felt a warmth rise to your cheeks. “So we’ve made jokes before and everything about a mystery girl, but there is one, and here she is!” he exclaimed happily. Kristen pointed the camera to you and asked:
“Are you nervous?”
You laughed slightly before replying, “I’m pretty sure anyone meeting David Dobrik would be pretty nervous.” Kristin gave you a big smile before putting the camera back on the dashboard.
“So, we’ll tell the story while driving to surprise David. So, y/n used to comment on David’s photos and David noticed her and then followed her. She commented asking why they weren’t married yet,” Scotty paused to laugh at you groaning and covering your face in embarrassment, “and David messaged her asking when she was free for the wedding.” A small smile took over your face while reminiscing on that moment. “Now, this has been going on for around two months, so everyone decided to find this mystery girl and try and get her to come here to surprise David.” Scotty finally finished the story and excitement filled you. The ride felt like centuries, and your nerves caused you to play with your fingers as Kristen, Scotty and you had small conversations, until you arrived at David’s house. Scotty unbuckled and turned the camera on you.
“Are you ready?” he exclaimed and Kristin made some more happy sound effects.
“I’m so nervous,” you admitted.
“Well, you have about thirty seconds before he’s down in the driveway!” Scotty replied, making your nerves increase. You got out of the car and hid behind on the side David couldn’t see, nor could you see him. 
“David!” Kristen called and you could hear David laugh.
“What are you doing here?’ David asked. 
“Well, we wanted to surprise you,” Scotty said. “With something or should I say, someone.”
“What?” David laughed out, clearly a little confused. At this time, you came out from behind the car and into the sight of David. His facial features changed from confusion, to pure shock. “What are you doing here?” he asked, with the biggest smile.
“Surprise!” Scotty and Kristin said together.
“Surprise,” you smiled.
“Oh my god,” David grinned, before you rushed over to hug him. His arms wrapped around your back and tugged you towards him. “You’re here,” he mumbled as he nuzzled his head into your neck. David brought your feet off the ground and spun you around, like they did in the movies and you squealed.
“Well isn’t this cute,” Scotty said.
“Thank you!” David smiled, still keeping his arms wrapped around you, keeping you close to him. “This is the best surprise ever!” You laughed at how David sounded like a little boy on Christmas.
“Alright, well, our job here is done,” Kristin said, heading towards the car. You went to follow, but David wouldn’t let you go.
“David, let me say goodbye and thank them!” you said as he kept his head nuzzled into your neck once again. He shook his head into your your neck. “Babe,” you giggled and he slowly let go of you. You took your hand into his and headed towards the car, smiling back at him warmly. He grinned back at you and moved quickly to hug you from behind as you stopped at the car. David hugged you from behind as you tried to walk towards Scotty and Kristen. Your suitcase was on the driveway and David remained attached to you as you hugged Kristin and Scotty goodbye. “Thank you so much,” you said with a smile.
“Just don’t get too crazy kids,” Scotty teased before climbing into his car, Kristin following suit.
“No promises,” David called with a grin as he looked at Scotty and you shook your head at David’s response. You walked backwards so Scotty and Kristin could peel out of the driveway. Once they were out of the driveway, you turned you body to face David.
“I told you it would be worth the wait,” you grinned as you looked up at David, taking in all his features. He was even cuter in person.
“Definitely worth two days with no facetime calls,” he agreed. With so much happiness flooding through you body, you pushed your body upwards so you could press a soft kiss to his lips. It was short and sweet and you both smiled in the kiss. Once you pulled away, David added, “Completely worth the wait.”
“So, you gunna invite me inside or are we going to stand in your driveway all day?” you teased, looking up at David.
“I guess, I mean we have to I told Scott no promise on having too much fun,” he smiled as you rolled your eyes.
“Not tonight, Dobrik,” you laughed, cuddling into his embrace. 
“I mean how long are you here for?” he asked, laughing as you slapped his arm. “Kidding!”
“Let’s just go inside,” you said, giggling.
“Gladly,” David smiled before grabbing your bag and running into his house. Chuckling, you walked towards the door and after you closed it, you were brought into a bear hug. Your heart pounded as you smiled and cuddled into David’s warm embrace. “I can’t believe you’re actually here,” he whispered as he hugged you.
“Well, I’m here,” you smiled before glancing up at him.
“Thank, God,” he grinned before pecking your lips. “Only problem is I might not let you go home. You might be stuck here,” he added.
“I think I could deal with that.” You both beamed at one another before leaning in for another kiss.
a/n: i just want this to happen to me :(((((( but i made an instagram page for david bc i love that cute fuck so follow please bc it’s gunna be a good time. xoxo bri
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